security - iPhone - Send VPN traffic for a specific URL -
I am creating an iPhone web-based app for our fax to see sales data. The app goes to SSL with a normal login page that sets a cookie for the day. Since the information is sensitive and we have VPN at work, I was hoping that I can send all communications with double precaution on our VPN Any way Is that I can only route traffic to VPN for a specific URL? Do anyone have any more information on "Send All Traffic" in the VPN configuration thanks VPN has little control over the app. A well-configured HTTPS site (especially by employing bi-directional certificates) will give you the type of protection you are looking for in your application. He said, I strongly advise that business users send all data to VPN in all cases. It eliminates a wide variety of attacks and provides opportunities for additional monitoring and security. In this way, I usually recommend using the "Send All Traffic" VPN configuration. This will allow you to move the app completely in...