google app engine - GWT+UIBinder+Gin+Guice+JDO+GAE example -

I am trying to link all these techniques, but there are many separate examples and enough to link me Experience is not together

So my question: Is there a similar example? Is it possible to use UIBinder? Any recommendations to implement this?

Unfortunately, I do not know of such a tutorial (possible solution to get a book on GWT , But I do not know if there is a deal with GW 2.0 and Jean) - I'm afraid it's up to you that the knowledge is to patch them together, that's what everyone has to do, right? ;) If you have some specific problems, do not hesitate to post a question about it, we can help.
UiBinder + for problem - I use both technologies and it's a breeze, but this is mainly because I have MVP (model view presenter) I'm following the architecture / model - there is really no reliance on this view and the presenter does all the tasks. More on that:


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