javascript - What is the best approach for handling a complex form in html? -
I need to implement a webform (JSP, struts) in which checkboxes and texfolds can load. Actually I have a check box tree, which is to increase (like adding a new node). The same data is used on the second page, but refined. Then you add hair nodes to the data structure using TextBoxes etc. I can describe the datastruck in XML: but there are about 100 rows in reality.
I have 3 approaches: 1. Make a webform in JSP which reduces the user experience because many postbacks are required (every time I add / edit / delete node, subnodes ... ) 2. In this ASCIN FASHION -> Loads of JavaScript to handle the structure of the data (keep the XML data in a hidden device and update the UI) 3. Go to RIA like OpenLazlo
< P> What would you suggest Areas are?
If you already know OpenLezlo, go for it. You will end up with a better user experience with less work
While developing the app you should target the user interface and display. So IMO, plain JSP will be my last approach
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