
Showing posts from March, 2010

c++ - Can i call multiple times JNI_CreateJavaVM? -

I am trying to call two threads witch "DispFrontEnd" function first thread ended, failing to start another JVM Stayed .. ?? tks #include "jni.h" #include & lt; Process.h & gt; #include "Stdafx.h" // DISPATCH check the check bool DispatchThreadCreated = FALSE; If (Dispatchart cutted == wrong) {Handle HD spread; HDispThread = (handle) _biginthread (DispFrontEnd, 0, (zero *) transmission input); If ((long) HDIPPathread == -1) {log.LogError ("Thread Disp frontend returns ******** bg", (long) hdpritread); Log.LogError ("errno", errno); Log.LogError ("_ doserrno", _doserrno); } And {logloc-> LogMethod ("Dispatch Thread Created"); DispatchThreadCreated = TRUE; // aspara que a thread terminal WaitForSingleObject (hDispThread, INFINITE); DispatchThreadCreated = FALSE; // 01_02_2010 logloc-> LogMethod ("Dispatch thread ENDED"); }} If (DispatchtraredCrited == incorrect) {Handle HD Spreadread 3; ...

export - Need Dynamic/ default width for CSV file when EXPORTING through SERVLET -

I am exporting my list to a CSV file through the Servlet. Everything is working fine but I want to set default / dynamic width for cell / column? Here's my coding. Your quick reply will be helpful .. Thank you in advance. package com.uson.stat.action; Import javax.servlet.ServletException; Import javax.servlet.http.httpServlet; Import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; Import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; Import; Public class export action throws ServletException, HttpServlet {Public Zero doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse Res) throws, IOException {res.setContentType ("App / CSV"); Res.setHeader ("cache-control", "public"); Res.setHeader ("Pagma", "Public"); Res.setHeader ("content-displacement", "attachment; filename = \" test.csv "+" \ ""); String Content = "Exam Article" + "," + "Viewed on 01-02-2010...

c - Fast data reading from CD-ROM -

I have to read a large file with several animation frames from CD / DVDR and display it in the form of an animation. When reading from a hard disk, the strategy of reading one frame in memory, processing, displaying and then reading the next frame is good, but when I read from optical device, the access timed out. I use C and WinAPi OpenFile / ReadFile methods How to read the contents of the file I stored on an optical device to get realtime motion of the animation? (I have seen a program which also does it in dual speed, to ensure that before the whole file does not buffer the animation starts)? Two techniques: Large buffer or cache, As in multiple MBs there is a proper sequential I / O in the CD / DVD, but very slow looking / access speed (as you have noted), so refilling the buffer is faster than you just buffer Need to allow the disc to spin in a few seconds when it is enough, and look for a spin already. Multi-threading: Keep a thread continuous reading and se...

What's the proper way to implement an Android widget with dynamically drawn content? -

For my first and most awesomest Android project, I want to create a Home screen widget, which displays one of those That all children are crazy about these days. Based on the boundaries of , I'm guessing that the proper way to actually draw on the screen is to use it in the actual layout, then when it is updating, make one or two and make them one Then draw the bitmap as the source of the image view, then draw on the newly created. There is something about the process that I am not yet reading, however, the following code I have tried to use to update the widget. I do not get anything pulled on the screen. ImageView has a placeholder image that is set by its src property when I do not run the code to update it in my drawing, the placeholder image remains in place so I know that This code is doing something , just clearly is not right is not a matter. Remote Views View = New Remote Power (context.getPackageName (), R.Let.Widet); Bitmap bitmap = bitmap.creditbetaMap (1...

css - Why does footer not go all the way to the bottom? -

I have a web page, as follows: pushing the yellow pixel all the way Does not come to the bottom. any idea? Here is the CSS code: #container {min-height: 100%; Status: Relative; } #body {padding-bottom: 60px; / * Footer height * /} #footer {position: absolute; Bottom: 0; Width: 100%; Height: 60px; / * Footer height / background: # CCCC 66; } This works; Your CSS is being cached at the local level Have you recently refreshed a great browser? Press Ctrl + F5.

cookies - How should I manage username/password session information? -

I have a website (in which the original essence is described), and I have no way of storing a user name And some information about the user continually when they use the site (i.e., upload and download data). Right now, given a successful login, I was returning the hash with password as well as any associated information. At any time the user tries the user, his user name, hash, and what should be in the database next to it. If the user logs out, then all information is flushed in their local Sinatra session. I know that this is a very simple approach. Is there a better way to handle user session information? Wikipedia entry on cookies mentions that a session uid is used instead of this other information; What is the advantage of that approach? I suspect that this approach is too weak for other attacks, but since I have done everything I verify, I am not sure which attacks I am opening. In addition, if / when I apply SSL, are these transactions 'encrypted automatically...

.net - DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); replace month and day -

मुझे के प्रारूप को बदलने की आवश्यकता है। Textbox3.Text = DateTime.Now। ToShortDateString (); तो यह देता है (उदाहरण के लिए) 25.02.2012 , लेकिन मुझे 02.25.2012 कैसे की आवश्यकता है क्या यह किया जा सकता है? निर्दिष्ट MM.dd.yyyy के साथ प्रयोग करें : this.TextBox3.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString ("MM.ddyyyy"); यहां, 1 से 12 महीने का अर्थ है, 1 से 31 तक का दिन और इसका अर्थ है कि चार अंकों की संख्या के रूप में वर्ष।

iphone - How to implement delayed/batched table view update from NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate? -

You should carefully consider whether you want to update table view Because every change is made. If a large number of modifications are made simultaneously - for example, if you are reading data from the background thread - /.../ you can simply implement the controller deed change content: (which is processed on all pending changes Once done, send it to the delegate. See the table reload. This is what I am doing: mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification: I am processing changes in the background thread with a different managed object syntax in a different pouch MOC. So far so good. I did not apply the controller: didChangeObject: ... and instead suggested to update the document. Question / Problem: Does the document not really expand to implement batch updates? Should I just call [tableview reloadData] in the controller DidChangeContent: or is there a less intrusive way to prevent me from completely reloading? One thought that: I could take the notes of the merger fr...

Confused about JavaScript prototypal inheritance -

पुस्तक में " जावास्क्रिप्ट निश्चित गाइड 5 संस्करण ", खंड 9.2 प्रोटोटाइप और विरासत, I निम्नलिखित शब्दों को ढूंढें: पिछले अनुभाग में, मैंने दिखाया कि नया ऑपरेटर एक नया, खाली ऑब्जेक्ट बनाता है और फिर उस ऑब्जेक्ट की एक विधि के रूप में एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर फ़ंक्शन को आमंत्रित करता है। यह पूरी कहानी नहीं है, हालांकि। खाली वस्तु बनाने के बाद, उस वस्तु के प्रोटोटाइप नए सेट करता है। किसी वस्तु का प्रोटोटाइप उसके कन्स्ट्रक्टर फ़ंक्शन के प्रोटोटाइप प्रॉपर्टी का मूल्य है। सभी फ़ंक्शंस में एक प्रोटोटाइप संपत्ति होती है जो स्वचालित रूप से बनाई जाती है और फ़ंक्शन परिभाषित होने पर आरंभ होती है। प्रोटोटाइप संपत्ति का प्रारंभिक मान एक संपत्ति के साथ एक वस्तु है यह प्रॉपर्टी कंस्ट्रक्टर नामित है और कन्स्ट्रक्टर फ़ंक्शन को वापस संदर्भित करती है, जिसके साथ प्रोटोटाइप जुड़ा हुआ है। (आप अध्याय 7 से निर्माता संपत्ति को याद कर सकते हैं; यही कारण है कि प्रत्येक ऑब्जेक्ट के पास कन्स्ट्रक्टर संपत्ति है।) कोई भी आपके द्वारा इस प्रोटोटाइप ऑब्जेक्ट में जोड़े जाने वाले गुणक कन्स्ट्रक्टर द्वारा प्रारं...

.net - virtual destructor -

Can someone explain the concept of virtual destructor to me? And how is it taken care of in DotNet? The following programs show the need for a virtual constructor, #include & Lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Conio.h & gt; using namespace std; Square base {public: base () {cout & lt; & Lt; "Constructor: Base" & lt; & Lt; Endl;} ~ base () {cout & lt; & Lt; "Destruction: Base" & lt; & Lt; Endl;}}; Categories made: Public base {Public: Derivative () (cout & lt; "constructor: derivative" & lt; endl;} ~ Dated () {cout You see in the above program: Destructors of the base class are not virtual and therefore the above program will be produced as follows, Constructor: Base Constructor TER: Derived Destructor: Base In the above case, the derivative object is not called the destroyer. Therefore, if you create the baster class destructor as a virtual, the output will be as follows: Co...

count specific word in line in bash -

I have the variable like "1,2,3,4" I should count What you want: echo "1,2,3" | Tr -cd ',' | Wc -c

.net - EndRequest not fired on IIS when resource is missing -

I have an HTTP module that hooks up on the IIS6 registered andrew event with a wired handler and it works properly The request ends on an .aspx page, but if the URL does not disappear (404). I think the request ends due to staticfilehandler, but is there a good solution to this problem? I have tried the same solution in IIS7 (pipeline mode) and it works fine there. First of all, I will try, that IIS should not tell to verify the file, which Will allow the request to pass through the HTT module. If you can do this for a particular file mapping, including wildcard. If there is no alternative above, then in a worse situation you can add a default handler to web 40. Error 404 in web.config, so that if the HTTPS module can not catch this event, then you have There is still a chance to 'do something' on the basis of what you are trying to accomplish in the event of Andrew's event, you may still be able to use the workaround. & lt; CustomErrors defaultRedirect ...

c++ - Extracting text from images -

Can anyone tell me that VC ++ The technology you are looking for is called "OCR", or Check this code project entry: This can be helpful. Alternatively, you should take it properly.

visual studio - Find tags doesn’t contain specific attribute (specific word) using grep -

सभी सर्वर-साइड टैग ( & lt; asp: ) को कैसे खोजें मेरे Visual Studio 2008 / MonoDevelop समाधान में grep का उपयोग करते हुए runat विशेषता Regex होगा: & lt; asp: ((!! \ Brunat \ s * =) [^ & gt;]) * & gt; । ध्यान दें कि यदि कुछ विशेषता मान में "runat =" होता है, तो इसका मिलान नहीं होगा।

c# - IBM MQSeries Accessing Issue from .NET -

I am not very familiar with IBM amuaries, but I am writing C # scripts that write and read files from my queue server. The problem is my reading job but my writing is not. Please note that I am using the same queue, so do not bother going in that direction. My code first accesses MQserver with the following code: MQQueueManager qManager; MQQueue queue; Amcusage queue message; MQGetMessage option queue message message option; MQPutMessage Option QuipTemesque Option; String queue name; Public MQAccess (string queue name, string queue manager, string connection, string channel) {queueName = queueName; QManager = new MQQueueManager (quencher, channel, connection); Q = qManager.AccessQueue (QN, MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING); } I am able to read files from my queue from this Qi: Public Ball Next Message (Riff String Message, Referee DateTime putDateTime) { QueueMessage = new MQMessage (); Q Message Format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; Queuegate message option = new M...

c# - Cannot install add-in for outlook 2007? -

I will explain what I have done and if someone helps me then I would be truly grateful I have seen that this There are some posts about the problem, but I want to know if I have made some mistakes. I have developed the add-in, which is using VS2008 and C # for Outlook 2007 (.NET Framework 3.5). When I'm finished, in Solution Explorer, right-click on "Solution (my project)" and click on New Project-> Other Project Type-> Setup and Deployment-> Setup Project. User's menu User's program menu P> I right-click on the Applications folder-> AD-> Project Output ---> Primary Output (My Project) After that, set up the Setup project in the debug folder. Exe and MyProject.msi files, but when I install it on another computer, an add-in installation in Microsoft Outlook Do not: ( What did I do wrong ?? Unfortunately, in the deployment of an Outlook add-in, more than creating a default setup project in Visual Studio In particular, you ...

How can I pass a parameter to the wanted function when using Perl's File::Find? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: एक इस तरह से पर्ल के मॉड्यूल का उपयोग कर सकता है: ढूंढें (& amp; चाहता है, @ निर्देशिकाएं); हम wanted फ़ंक्शन के लिए एक पैरामीटर कैसे जोड़ सकते हैं उदाहरण के लिए, मैं / टीएमपी प्रत्येक फाइल से कुछ जानकारी निकालने और परिणाम को एक अलग निर्देशिका में संग्रहीत किया जाना चाहिए। आउटपुट डायर पैरामीटर के रूप में दिया जाना चाहिए। आप एक बंद का उपयोग करें: फ़ाइल का उपयोग करें :: प्रतिलिपि; मेरी $ outdir = "/ home / me / saved_from_tmp"; खोज (उप {copy_to ($ outdir, $ _);}, '/ tmp'); उप copy_to {my ($ destination_dir, $ file) = @_; प्रतिलिपि $ फ़ाइल, "$ destination_dir / $ file" या मरना "$ $ $ 'की प्रतिलिपि नहीं कर सकता' $ destination_dir / $ file ': $!"; }

c++ - what is invalidate,update methods do in VC++ -

I have little doubt about window functions in C ++. Is it really "invalidate ()" functions? What message does this send? When do we have to call this? Also, what is the "update ()" function? As with "invalidate ()" function, "invalidaterect ()" is similar. Thank you invalidates the whole client area of ​​a window, which indicates Does that area have been outdated, and should be repainted again. You will usually call it on a control, which should be reproduced. With invalid functions, WM_PAINT will be posted [ not strictly; See comments ] in the message queue and at some point in the future. Sent (in response to the post) sends a WM_PAINT message, so that invalid areas can be removed immediately. In fact, it's all in the docs.

data binding - Silverlight relativebinding ItemTemplate ListboxItem - Listbox -

I have created the program in a square (I call it the wordgrid) so that I use it as the ItemTemplate for the list list. Do it Of course, this is my data template for listboxes .... In addition, in my ViewGrid class, I have found a dependency property named IsChecked and I keep it in sync With the IsSelected Property of ListBoxItem I have seen that any relational resource-finder in SL-ancestors support to force WPF as such, still, I have my IsChecked property internally generated ListBoxItem Syncing with IsSelected Property Z must find a way to do my Suchibks control you can help? This is a listbox defined in XAML which uses the IsSelected property of each Litbox item Is or hide the button when selected. You just need to duplicate the binding approach to the listbox, you create in code. Either create a UserControl with that, or the appropriate ListBoxItem XAML, and insert the examples of those UserControls in those ListCon. & lt; ListBox & gt; & Lt; ListBo...

does sharepoint have itemwise permissions , just like it has list wise permissions -

(related to mons 2007) I have created a share post list in which a column specified to the user This is a type of lookup column - people and groups I select the user from Active Directory to enter this field from the list. Individual items are different in this list For this list, I have created permissions to read and write users in Active Directory. So when a specific user logs in to the SharePoint website with their identities. He has given permission to read and write in the list. Now whenever they log in to the website, there is no way available in the share book through which the users can not see the full list. It only sees the items in the list that are the specified field by the user. If the permissions are actually setup correctly, you can only list settings, advanced settings, item-level permissions And "Specify on Read Read: Specify which users of the item can read" You define yourself. If the users are not the creators of the item, you need...

jquery - How to show an animated spinner while a background task is processing in nested rails model using ajax -

My specific example is extremely complex, so I will use the example shown by Ryan to discuss this: Background I have a form, we say "survey", in which there is an arbitrary number of "questions". Senario I am on the "Edit Survey" page. I would like to add a button to each "Question" field which calls a remote_function, which in turn has a delay in the line to delay the processing on "Question". To give feedback to the user, I want to disable the button, and show an animated spinner, which remains until the delayed_job has processed the "question". Gesture - I can add methods of "question" model to indicate late status of work. So, with the best practices in mind, what is the best way to get it? Vote and respond with json like this: {"End": [1,3,3]} then add the vote javascript var interval = setInterval (function () {$. Hide the spinner with {// id = data} for the get (...

c# - Access mdb file content from .net when mdb file has password -

I am creating window applications in C # and anybody was thinking of setting a password on the MDB file of MS Access My window can open that file other than the application or who knows the password for that file anytime. I managed to preserve that file, but unfortunately I could not see that file through my application. Actually I do not need to set the user name and password to open that file. Entering the username and password in the connection string is not working. Edit Sorry for some confusion I think the file wants to preserve the password instead of the database connection. That file should not be opened in any case. For this, I managed to set the password on file using MS Access, but IM did not enable me to open that file through my file. Edit2: "Provider = Microsoft J.A.L.D. 4.4; Data Source = A: \ Projects \ Gergubube \ dbGargTubes.mdb; User ID =" "; Password =" > Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source = e: \ projects \ gar...

.net - DateTime.ToString() display meridiem as "A.M." or "P.M." -

What time-value is it? Any method of using the toasting () method is to display as part of the "AM" part of the time. Instead of "AM"? I mask "TTA." But it only outputs "AA" You AMDesignator and define the characteristics of the PM digginator culturefind.edetformat , and then specify the culture as a format provider: Using the system; Using System.Globalization; Classroom Program {Public Stable Zero Main () {CultureInfo c = (CultureInfo) CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone (); C.DateTimeFormat.AMDesignator = "AM"; C.DateTimeFormat.PMDesignator = "P.M."; Console.WriteLine (DateTime.Now.ToString ("TT", c)); }}

Windows 2008 task scheduler tasks can have user interface? -

on the Windows server appear on the scheduled console if the user was logged in when the task was started. For example, the users logged by the XIG user will appear on screen as running a scheduled task as XII. It was the default behavior on 2003, but not 2008. Is there any way to do this in 2008? Your results are basically exploiting the security hole in your scheduled task windows. Which was closed in Windows Vista (and your scheduled task could itself represent a security hole). You can configure your task to run as interactive logon, which users should probably solve your problem.

python - Pylons and Flex 3 -

Has anyone used Python / Piles as a server backend for Flex 3 applications? Does anybody have any idea how well it will work? I read Bruce Single's article about flex 3 to twist, and I have twisted programming, but only for a web service, I think it's easy to use the piles. Thank you in advance, Doug I have a webpage I'm working on which client side UI is coded in Flex 3 and backend is the Pilanes App. Our clients use HTTP GET and POST requests, post request bodies and all response bodies with backend, which can be used in the JSON format Take it. Works well, only something will get: Flex can not put the application and remove the request. We work around it and specify the "real" purpose method in the X-HTTP-Method-Override header. After this we have some additional routes in routing configuration that handle these requests and consider them as normal PUTs and GET. Flex apps can send custom HTTP headers, but can not read custom headers received...

c++ - Using enum with string variables -

मैं ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, enum Data_Property {NAME, DATETIME , प्रकार, }; Struct Item_properties {char * नाम; चार * दिनांक समय; इंट टाइप; }; Int main () {std :: string डेटा = "/ नाम Item_Name / DATETIME [टाइमस्टैम्प] / प्रकार [पूर्णांक मान]"; Std :: सूची & lt; std :: string & gt; known_properties; known_properties.push_back ( "/ नाम"); known_properties.push_back ( "/ DATETIME"); known_properties.push_back ( "/ प्रकार"); मद_प्रॉपर्टीज item_p = extract_properties (डेटा); // मैं एक संरचना में गुण / गुण प्राप्त करने के लिए एक फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता हूं / / मुझे यह जानना चाहिए कि मैं इसे किसी भी सरल बनाने के लिए किसी भी तरह से कर सकता हूँ? // यहाँ मैं एक स्विच-केस बयान का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। या मैं एक एंम के साथ (/ NAME / DATETIME / TYPE) की तरह संपत्ति की चाबियाँ कैसे संयोजित करूंगा और std :: list अर्थात known_properties? सबसे पहले, मुझे यह कहना है कि हमेशा एक वैकल्पिक विकल्प है, मेरे दर्शन में से एक हम बिग प...

vim - Regex search and replace in VI -

I have a lot of & lt; Swf ...> ..... and . I want to remove all of these. When using Vi I :% s / \ & lt; Swf [^ \ / swf & gt;] + \ / swf \ & gt; // g I was hoping that this would work, but it does not match anything. You can delete all those buffers with this command: :% s! & Lt; Swf. \ {-} / swf & gt; !! If you have tags that can be divided into two rows, then you can add \ _ modifier to . also: :% s! & Lt; Swf \ _. \ {-} / swf & gt; !! Assuming that you want to delete both tags and whatever they are included, if you want to get rid of the tags and keep the content :!% S & lt;?. / \ Swf \ {-} & gt; !! Notes: You will see & lt; or & gt; Do not need to be avoided You can select which pattern delimiter: using the first letter you put after the s in the VIM option code This will remove the need to avoid further slash in your pattern EDIT: My answer is growing after your comment This All rig...

.net - When should I use LINQ for C#? -

I am learning C #, and I find LINQ absolutely interesting. However, what is happening to me, I can not think of a scenario so that the use of LINQ will be a great help, because it does not really work hard in Linux with the code. Any personal experience / suggestions Thanks! Thank you! I think I'm using LINQ at any time about that first one A loop would be written to fill the container. I use SQL for my SECL from LINQ and I use LINQ everywhere. Here is a small snippet I wrote for an Active Directory helper class that shows that a particular user is a special group to repeat any of the () method to override the user's authorization groups Use the note until there is no one matching SID. More cleaner codes than alternatives. Private Bull iSGroup (Group Pinnipinal Group, UserPinental User) {if (group == empty; group.Sid == null) {return false; } Return the user Gate Authority Group (). Any (G = & gt; GCD! = Null & G. S.D.Dep.Campreto (Group SID) == 0); } ...

c# - How to fill WebBrowser TextBox's? -

I want to login it with my company's user and password with a Winforms application, I display the page on a web browser Am I controlling, any thoughts? You need to write code to find controls like tags or ID WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById ("textName") set attribute ("value") = "ddddd"; Before this code just make sure that the document is completely full, you can use the Web browser document compiled avent handler to do an investigation for this.

osx - Beginner's question, trying to understand how the linker searches for a static library -

I have a work setup, where all the files are in the same directory (desktop) is the terminal output such as: $ gcc -c mymath.c $ ar r mymath.a mymath.o ar: create archive mymath.a $ ranlib mymath.a $ gcc test.c Mymath.a -o trial $ ./test Hello World! 3.14 1.77 10.20 Files: mymath.c: float mysqrt (float n) {return 10.2; } test.c: #include & lt; Math.h> # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include "mymath.h" Main () {printf ("Hello World! \ N"); Float x = sqrt (M_PI); Printf ("% 3.2f \ n", M_PI); Printf ("% 3.2f \ n", sqrt (M_PI)); Printf ("% 3.2f \ n", mysqrt (M_PI)); Return 0; } Now, I move the archive mymath.a to a subdirectory / temp. I am not able to get the link to work: $ gcc test.c mymath.a -o test -l / users / telliott_admin / desktop / temp / mymath.a i686- Apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: mymath.a: Library for no file or directory $ gcc test.c -o test -i / users / telliott_admin / desktop / temp -lm...

i need a session variable to change from page to page as i move from one page to another -

I'm new to this. I have 4 page Login.aspx, account.aspx, settings.aspx and fliers.aspx all sql server programmed in with backend code on my first page, login.aspx me .vb page - dim SQL as string = "sELECT * fROM table 1 email" = + "ME.txtUserName.Text +" 'and password =' ​​"+ Me.txtPassword.Text +" ExecuteNonQuery (SQL) SqlCmd = new SqlCommand (SQL, SqlCnn) SqlDR = SqlCmd.ExecuteReader If SqlDR.HasRows then SqlDR.Read () Label1.Text = "successfully connected" new web user (Skyuelar ( "email"), Op. Item ("SKLCNA N ") as here, the web user. Aitim (" Vebusr ") = Web user is ValidUser = True Loop Else Label1.Text =" failed login "end if as you can see it as an email session.item ( "web user"). this right is the next page on the page account.aspx, has to be replaced with the user ID which connected and settings When entering the .aspx page, it's user ID with that user...

makefile - Compiling error -

I downloaded someone's source code for a program and I need to make some changes. Now I want to compile it, but it does not seem to work. PROGS = isotociso COMMON = tools.o bn.o ec.o wiidisc.o rijndael.o DEFINES = -DLARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64 LIBS = C: / Dev-Cpp / lib / libwsock32 .a C: /Dev-Cpp/lib/libcrypto.a C: /Dev-Cpp/lib/libcomdlg32.acc = GCC #CFALGS = -Wall -W -Os -Ilibwebs -I Seagulls = -Wall -m32-W -ggdb -Ilibwbfs -I LDFLAGS = -m32 -static VPATH + = libwbfs OBJS = $ (patsubst%,% .o, $ (PROGS)) $ (COMMON) All: $ (PROGS) $ (PROGS):%:% .O $ (COMMON) Makefile $ (cc) $ (CFLAGS) $ (LDFALGS) $ & lt; $ (Common) $ (libs) -o $ @ $ (objs):% .oo:% .ca tools. Hexfile $ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) $ (Definance) -C $ & lt; -o $ @ clean: -rm -f $ (OBJS) $ (PROGS) output C: \ users \ panda \ desktop \ uloader_v4 .1 \ src \ isotociso \ src & gt; GCC -Wall-m32-W -ggdb -Ilibwbfs -i Make -DLARGE_FILES -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS = 64 -ci sotociso.c -O isotociso.o process_begin...

google app engine - Can I define a read-only transaction using GAE's JDO? -

I am using the latest version of the GWT GAE w / JDO stack. I have a working queue to update objects with constant data control. I have a live user interface that shows objects to save (without modification). Looking at tightly defined transactions (start / commit) boundaries, is there a way of defining a read-only transaction for GUI, which does not conflict with the task of updating the object Does it? I believe they are disputing and throwing these exceptions (abridged) javaax.jdo.JDODataStoreException: org.datanucleus.jdo.NucleusJDOHelper. Transaction back has failed during the commitment on getJDOExceptionForNucleusException ( at ORG.datanucleus.jdo. .datanucleus.jdo.JDotransaction.commit ( .... Nested Treables Staxtress: Java SQL. Cleopation: ( App Engine Datastore does not really lock (). This means that the transaction which r...

c# - Creating Events for change in some property value which is user defined -

I am creating a custom control and I want to add some properties in it. On some properties, I want to make some event say that I have a property public int date {get; Set;} Now if its value is changing then I want to trigger a change event. So how do I add an event to ? Use a "normal" property instead of an automatic property, and raise event in setter: private int _date; Public inter alia {receive {return_date; } Set {if (value! = _date) {_date = value; // Change Change Event here}}} To increase the change event, if it is a standard INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event: PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = Property changed; If (handler! = Null) {handler (This new property changed event event ("date")}} This practice recommends practice to isolate an accessory If you are raising an event with a custom date check, the argument will be the same, but there will be logic with different names and events.

Make iPhone status bar disappear when displaying a modal view? -

I want to display a modal view, and want to cover it's iPhone status bar. I tried to fulfill the wishes of the Model View Controller; I have also installed the property of his parents as yes. It does not work, probably because a modal view is displayed under the contents of the main window, which includes the status bar. My second method completely leaves the whole "wanted full screenline" technique in favor of hiding the "status bar", the Modal View is displayed, then after dismissing the Model View, turn it back on. are given. It works by the very end ... The parent view's parent view is incorrectly placed (its navigation bar has been partially hidden behind the status bar) Calling - [view setneedsleayout] does nothing. How do I thank you - (zero) set status barhard: (BOOL) hidden animated: animated on class UIApplication . Something like this: [[UIApplication ShareApp] setStatusBarHidden: Yes Animated: Yes]; This will hide the s... - SQL Express -- Cleaning House, Automation -

When we develop an ASP.NET client site, we deploy a SQL Server Express database with it . To test older records than N, we need to run a clean up script. Hours, but unfortunately, I can not schedule a job for the boundaries of SQL Express. Can the clean house be automated for any other option or suggestion that anyone has the experience of applying? Use one and run maintenance from another. Sign the process for this. The big advantage is that the database itself is contained and will perform database copies and backup / restoration functions (executing a fixed 'job' after restoring it to a new system) - .NET app locks file -

OK, I'm really new to VB.NET and desktop application development. Simplified is what is happening in my application: Dim files (as of the new list of IO.FileInfo). (Add new IO.FileInfo ("C: \ img1.jpg"))) files. Add ((new IO.fileinfo ("C: \ img2.jpg"))) 'Picture is a Windows. Farm Picture box in my WinForm 'picture. Image = new system. Drawing. Bitmap (files (0) .FullName) Picture.image = nothing CurrentFile = Files (0) 'Show next picture (IMG2)' files Removable (0) pictures. Image = new system. Drawing Bitmap (Files (0) .FullName) Move Img1 to another location 'CurrentFile.MoveTo ("C: \ other \ img1.jpg") The last line throws an exception saying That img1 can not be moved because it is in use. My application is still using it, but how to stop locking my app? guilty party is betamap I . Bitmap (string) The constructor's result is in the bitmap, until the bitmap is disposed of, locked on the file. See: The fi...

ruby - Handle version conflict when multiple concurrent editor on the same model rails -

Multiple concurrent editors on the same model rail when the version can handle conflict? For example, edit a click on the user controller and start editing the content user b click on the post controller and editing the title user b and clicking on saving user A and saving the amendments made by user b And click to override Is it to stop? I'm thinking to check it by using the updated_at field that the version edited is final to any plugin or gem to do this ?? I do not know any plugins or gems, keep this in mind (ie, from models to ideas To handle everything), and plugins are searched for no avail at and in a nutshell. Another upcoming program / package is well managed by Google Wave But if this is not an option (as it will almost certainly do), this is a quick and There is a simple idea that you can find there: Add a field for the 'edit_at' view called "Request_at" To get 'updates', check that the...

ajax - Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize does not render in my ASP.Net page -

The codes below do not render in my page, and click the post of my page back button. Are there. Sys Dot WebForms dot PageRequestManager dot_initialize ('ScriptManager1', document dot getElementById ('form1')); Sys Dot WebForms dot PageRequestManager dot getInstance () dot _updateControls (['tUpdatePanel1'], [], [], 90); However, I look at the code below the bottom of the page Sys dot app initialize to dot (initialize); I have a script manager and an update panel in the script. In the Update template, there is a label and a button in the Content Template section, the label is supposed to display some text on the click of a button. I am using Visual Studio 2005 and I have installed the ASP.NET AJAX extension. I have system in my project Web. Extensions and references to the system are given. And I'm using web applications. I have also copied the entries in my config file Please help Tag xhtmlConformance mode = "Legacy...

unicode class in Python -

सहायता (यूनिकोड) प्रिंट की तरह कुछ: वर्ग यूनिकोड (बेस्टस्ट्रिंग) | यूनिकोड (स्ट्रिंग [, एन्कोडिंग [, त्रुटियां]]) - & gt; ऑब्जेक्ट ... लेकिन आप तर्क के रूप में बेस्टस्ट्रिंग से कुछ अलग उपयोग कर सकते हैं, आप यूनिकोड (1) कर सकते हैं और यू'आई 1 प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। उस कॉल में क्या होता है? Int में एक __unicode__ विधि को बुलाया नहीं जाता है। अगर __ यूनिकोड __ इसे मौजूद है, अन्यथा यह __ str __ वर्ग A (int) पर वापस आता है: def __str __ (स्वयं): मुद्रित "एस्ट्र" वापसी int .__ str__ (स्वयं) def __unicode __ (स्व): प्रिंट "ए। यूनिकोड" वापसी int .__ str __ (स्वयं) वर्ग बी (int): def __str __ (स्वयं): प्रिंट "बीएसटीआर" वापसी इंट .__ str __ (स्वयं) यूनिकोड (ए (1)) # प्रिंट "एयुनीकोड" यूनिकोड (बी (1)) # प्रिंट "बीस्ट्रेट"

How to call getopts in bash multiple times -

I have a general library that I use from several scripts which parses the command line option but I also want to I am capable of logic process as well as my personal script ... like function get_options {echo -e "in getoptions "$ OPOND echo during getopts": ab: "OptionName; Doing [... processing code ...] done} . ./ function get_local_options {echo -e "getoptions" during "getopts echo $ OPcho": xy: "optionName; The problem is that if I call -x -y foo -a -b times get_options stop processing at "foo" because it was previously "non-option" Stops at without re-writing things in any way around me? foo () {unset OPTIND while getopts ... do}

ruby on rails - How to generate a select box by using options_from_collection_for_select -

I am really confused with the selected boxes in the ROR. How can I create a working box by using options_from_collection_for_select, it will generate only the option tag and not the selection tag? Can anyone provide me an example to use it. I have a hard time understanding the selected boxes, I do not know why ... thanks & lt;% options = options_from_collection_for_select (@awesome_options, 'id', 'name')%> & Lt;% = awesome_column, option% & gt; If you are getting the error, then we may be able to give you better answers, but I believe the above is the basic essence of the .

count - Length of an integer in Python -

In Python, how can you find the number of digits in an integer? If you want the integer length as the number of digits in the integer, Find its length like code> str (133) and lane (str (123)) . - how to get the External IP Address with in the LAN? -

I want to get the external ipadation of the client system in the LAN, my server is in the LAN so that I am using a local system The server requires, I need an external IP address for that local system, but it is giving the local IP address pls help it to your help You can access this program by going to some external device, or from your router Can not do this without getting support. Ghostdog is a good suggestion that it is very bad, he did not put it in the answer instead of a comment. : P

ruby - Does dependency injection exist in Rails? -

Is this due to the fact that the rail is an MVC approach, which means that dependency injection? Or is there a reason we do not talk about dependency injection in the railways? If the dependence of the rail is injected, then what is the inclusion? Dependent injection is usually unnecessary with Ruby. Why Jamis Buck is good about reasons. Kind of a reading

How to run Selenium 2.0 RC -htmlSuite with WebDriver? -

I have tried Selenium 2.0 (the documentation says it is using a WebDrive): java - jar selenium-server- standalone-2.0 a 1.jr-htmlsuit "* firefox" ... but it seems that the WebDriver did not use the backend Has been (especially when I have not installed any Firefox plugin)? All Selenium 2.0 documentation uses the Java interface, but it seems that the use of the HTML suite uses the classic Selenium backend? How do I set things up for HTMLSuite, but the "Headless" HtmlUnit version is completely fine (I do not need Firefox). Edit: Selenium says that Remote webmaster instances should be connected to: http: // ...: 4444 / wd / hub When to start ... what to do and how? Edit 2: Using the WebDrivebackbacked selenium functions, rewrite the test in Java. In this way the problems arise from HTML, which is not the use of WebDrive Back Selenium? Everything that is open in the code, Selenium RC and WebDrive have not yet been merged. I may be wrong here, ...

file access - Python Creating Unwanted Folder in Directory -

Whenever I call this method, then Python is building a folder in my directory. This method is used by my demo applications Is one of those which requires access to the local area of ​​the server. Def filepath (filename, foldername = '', envar = 'MYAPPDIR'): If there is no envar and envar osenver: dirpath = os.environ [envar] else: dirpath = ' ~ / MyFolder /% s'% folder name expanded = os.path.expanduser (dirpath) if not os.path.isdir (extended): if os.path.lexists (expanded): Increase IOError (errno.EEXIST, "path One file, neither an ", extended) ommescars (extended) returns. Os. Path.join (expanded, filename) I want to stop it from being Please Note : Someone within the user default May exist in the directory. Therefore the default folder is myFolder , though user myOtherFolder is named under myFolder (hence ~ / myFolder / MyOtherFolder / ) Then they can do this is the functionality that I am trying to implement, so I have not been use...

sharepoint - How exactly does a WSP deploy a dll internally -

I am facing problem with the deployment of DLS with WLP. After using the first version of DSL, after WSP, if I want to change the DLL and the radiation after retrograde, then it is still referring to the old assembly, even though it is no longer in GAC. Is there a caching feature in Sharepoint that is not very clear? Thanks in advance! If you're deploying in GAC, then you need to make sure that the IIS or app The pool is reset after you make any changes. DLL is definitely cached.

android - Are all .class files in my Java application loaded into memory after appliaction start? -

I'm making an app for Android, in my activity I need to load an array of about 10000 strings. Loading it from the database was slow, so I decided to keep it straight in a .java file (as a private area). I have about 20 classes which are string arrays and my question is is whether all the applications have been filled in memory after my start? If so, the activity in which I need these stars will be loaded quickly, but the application will start at a slow speed ... is there any other way, how fast the 10000 string array from a file loads To do? Update: Why do I need these strings? My Android app allows you to find "travel" in Prague's public transportation - you choose to stop the departure, stop the arrival and it looks at your visit (there is a look). My app has a suggestion feature - you enter "C" as your exit stops and a suggestion list view is displayed with the stop that starts with "C". I need a wire for these suggestions Databases sug...

Help needed in using escape function in javascript -

मैं अपने jsp फ़ाइल में follwing javascript फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं & lt; script language = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; फ़ंक्शन ओपनपोप () {var firstname = escape (& lt;% = addressBean.getFirstName ()% & gt;); Var lastname = escape (& lt;% = addressBean.getLastName ()% & gt;); चेतावनी (firstname); चेतावनी (उपनाम); Var mywindow = ('& lt;% = link ("*", "BBFBUpdatePickupInfo")% & gt; और amp; ShoppingCartKey = & lt;% = कार्टकी% & gt; और ऑपरेशन = & lt;% = ऑपरेशन% & gt; & amp; ; isEproAcc = & LT;% = isEpro% & gt; & amp; firstName = "+ firstname +" & amp; lastName = "+ lastname +" & amp; क्षेत्रकोड = & LT;% = addressBean.getPhoneAreaCode ()% & gt; & amp; phoneNum = & LT;% = addressBean.getPhoneNumber ()% & gt; ',' स्थिर ',' चौड़ाई = 625, ऊंचाई = 500, उपकरण पट्टी = 0, स्थान = 0, निर्देशिका = 0, स्थिति = 0, मेनूबार = 0, ...

wpf - What's the point of XPS? -

When I read books about WPF, I mentioned to the writers XPS as if it was something important. It also includes its XPS viewer in Windows, and I have seen that the "feature" of Windows is listed as. But why? What's the matter? Who cats it? It is my understanding that XPS is basically in PDF format, XHTML, or APPB (which is just XHTML) ... or even the Word of the DOCX format, many of those formats Are similar in There is no big advantage compared to those other formats. I think that XHTML will be much more useful than XPS, which is a way to save and load Flow Dyes from the Rich Textbox. I have seen many blogs about converting between the two, most or all rich text (x) on the internet is html. Besides, I do not think anyone uses it to publish its docs; PDF is preferred; It seems that the XPS is just some random format that MS made and decided to push. I usually find MS, but they have a habit of such things. MS can instead create an API using XHTML? It would have be...

sql server - How to get other than numerics in a string(removing numerics in strings) in sqlserver -

How to minimize numerics in strings in sqlserver ForEx: string value: can not be 200 [ 34534] Result: Not many (other than reulst numerics) if If you want to sort all numbers from the string, then there are several possible ways: 1) Pure TSQL: For example (not necessarily the best / beautiful way) DECLARE @Test VARCHAR (50) SET @Test = 'test12value8 select' DECLARE @ index with digits' @ Index = PatIDx ('% [[0-9]%', @Test) WHILE (@index> 0) BEGIN set @test = LEFT (@Test, @index - 1) + Wright (@Test, (LN (@ Test) - @ Indix SELECT @index = PATINDEX ('% [0-9]%', @Test) END @ test 2) CLR functionality (SQL 2005+) - Create CLR function to copy (i.e. in .NET), and call that function 3) Do not manipulate SQL, return the data back and the calling code is formatting / Clean (which is The only option I would have to go naturally, unless there is no good reason for it.

What is the Python egg cache (PYTHON_EGG_CACHE)? -

I have upgraded from Python 2.6.1 to 2.6.4 on my developer machine and presented on starting a dragon script The following was done with the following message: Can not extract the file (files) in the egg cache The following when trying to extract the file (files) in Python egg cache Error occurred: [Errows 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/.python-eggs'' The python egg cache directory current Is defined in: /var/www/.python-eggs Perhaps your account does not have write access to this directory? You can change the cache directory by setting the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable to point to a directory. There is nothing in it, so I have a little bit of any harm- Can anyone tell me what is the Python Undo Cache? In addition, can you explain that this is / is different because the site-package directory uses the dragon to store the eggs (as I think Am I From my investigation it has come to know that some eggs are packed as zip files, And they are...

xml - Load XMLDocument from byte array (optionally containing BOM characters) -

I've seen many posts here, so why about loading XML documents from some data sources, where data in Microsoft Proprietary UTF-8 is preamble (for example,). However, I can not find an elegant (and work!) Solution that does not involve pushing BOM characters manually. For example, P> byte [] b = system. IO.File.ReadAllBytes ("c: \\ temp_file_containing_bom.txt"); (System.IO.MemoryStream oByteStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream (b)) {{System.Xml.XmlTextReader oRD = New System.Xml.XmlTextReader (oByteStream)) using {System.Xml.XmlDocument oDoc = new System Xml.XmlDocument (); ODoc.Load (ORD); Console.WriteLine (oDoc.OuterXml); Console.ReadLine (); }} ... but it is still throwing "illegal data" exception. My problem is that I have a large byte array sometimes in BOM and sometimes it does not have to be loaded into XMLDocument. And I do not believe I want to take care of that "helper" byte. that BOM is no longer 'ownership'. T...

testing - Howto test SQL statements and ensure their quality? -

I am currently working on some business intelligence reports. The data is brought by the usual SQL selection statements. The statements are getting more and more complex. The data I want to report is partially business important so I can feel better, if I say the SQL statement I can do something for the proof of purity and quality. I know that there are some ways for this application-code but what can I do to reach these goals at the SQL level? Thanks in advance. I do not know of any SQL-level proof of QAC, because you can not query the synthetic accuracy Are looking for the meaning (semantic). I will write a small test that tends to take SQL statement and runs it on a known test database, then compare with the XPCTD set of reference data (spreadsheet, simple csv file etc.) of the result Please. For a bonus issue, wrap it in a unit test and make it part of your continuous manufacturing process. If you use a spreadsheet or CSV for reference data, it is possible that...

c# - Specifying what network interface an UDP multicast should go to in .NET -

The application of another machine running the same machine with a crossover cable on both computers with an active wireless card and a LAN port, We need to send UDP multicast to LAN Wire on another computer. Using C # sockets, Windows tries to route the message to the WLAN adapter every time. Is there a way to specify a network interface on which to send UDP multicast? You are probably looking for SocketOptionName.MulticastInterface . There is an article on MSDN that can help you. Otherwise, if you update your local routing table, then just use the exact entry from the multicast address and point to the correct interface. should do.

import from raima -

HTML I have an old DOS program (1) Raima (Dibi_vista) with the database and make me import data from program (1) There are * .dat and * .key files in program (1) for other programs (2), but I do not find * .dbd file. Is it possible that file * .dbd is not present? Can it be compiled in EXE? Does this export data .txt files from .key and .dat files possible when the DBD file does not exist? My program (2) will have to import the data ... Best Regards (Sorry for my bad English) Omega We use RAIMA extensively at work. Before any ~ 4.5, any RAIMA version should have a DBD file (all new ones can also be). If your program executes, then it must access the DBD file in some way. Do you have a source code available?

Maven maven-exec-plugin multiple execution configurations -

Is it possible to implement a maven-exec-plugin (or any other plugin) execution by its ID from the command line? Let's assume my pom.xml file looks like this: & lt; Project & gt; [...] & lt; Plugin & gt; & Lt; Group & gt; Org.codehaus.mojo & lt; / Group & gt; & Lt; ArtifactId & gt; Executive-Maven-plugin & lt; / ArtifactId> & Lt; Hanging & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; Foo & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Goals & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; Executive & lt; / Target & gt; & Lt; / Targets & gt; & Lt; Step & gt; & Lt; / Step & gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; Echo & lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; Logic & gt; & Lt; Logic & gt; Foo & lt; / Logic & gt; & Lt; / Logic & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; & Lt; / Execution & gt; & Lt; Execution & gt; & Lt; ID & gt...

How can I launch the eMail client, and then do a page redirect with Javascript? -

I need to create a website function on the same browser as it does in IE6. A part of the current code looks like this: & lt; Script & gt; Function myFunc () {location.href = "mailto: body = Hello!"; Location.href = "newPage.html"; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "myFunc ();" & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; In IE, this causes the mail client to open with a specified message, and then redirects the browser to newPage.html. Other browsers, however, only redirect to newPage.html. How can I get this effect continuously throughout the browser (opens the mail client and then redirecting the page)? As a note, I have also tried to complete it using Meta Refresh, but failed. href Changing the property will start loading one location, changing it later and the previous navigation will be canceled. It looks like the e-mail client will start immediately after establishing IE 6 property, then contin...

c++ - Why this Dijkstra (graph) implementation isn't working? -

मैंने इस समस्या के लिए यह कार्यान्वयन किया: # शामिल & lt; iostream & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, stdio.h & gt; # से & lt शामिल हैं; कतार & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, conio.h & gt; # से & lt में शामिल हैं, string.h & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; संरचना नोड {int x; Int y; इंट टाइम; }; बूल ऑपरेटर & lt; (कॉन्स्ट नोड एंड कंस्ट्रक्शन नोड & amp; आर) (यदि (एस.टाइम & gt; आर। टाइम) रिटर्न सही; दूसरा झूठी वापसी; } नोड हेग, सैर, डेस्ट, टेम्पपा; Int b, a, temp; इंट मैप [25] [25]; बुल विज़ [25] [25]; Int x [] = {1,0, -1,0}; Int y [] = {0,1,0, -1}; Int djs_bfs (नोड स्रोत, नोड डेस्ट) {int परिणाम = 0; priority_queue & LT; नोड & gt; pq; pq.push (एसआरसी); जबकि (! Pq.empty ()) {नोड शीर्ष = (); pq.pop (); अगर (top.x == dest.x और amp; top.y == dest.y) रिटर्न परिणाम; यदि (top.x & lt; 0; top.x & gt; = ए) जारी; अगर (top.y & lt; 0; top.y & gt; = बी) जारी रहेगा; यदि (वी.ई.एस. [top.x] [top.y]) जारी रहेगा; विज़ [top...

migration - CakePHP CakeSchema question -

If there is a manual or article on using cake slurry? I am interested in using the model & amp; Using the bare SQL in the first () and later () methods. I can confirm the same for current KPHP v1.2.6

VIM: simple steps to create syntax highlight file - for logfiles -

I have to go through some (log4j generated) logfiles; I know their nature very well (I mean, I can already use Pass-Pug Reggaeus etc.). I want to highlight them automatically in VIM when I load them (* .log). A logfile entry looks like this: YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS, SSS [...] # log-level # [ .] Message ## LOG-LEVEL # Standard 'error', 'INFO', 'DEBUG', 'FATAL' .... and 'YYYY-MM ...' date / Time represents the millisecond resolution. To start with me, what are the steps needed to highlight the date string in the yellow strip with blue text - and whenever the text reads 'error', then in white color There should be a red background with I have tried to go through some tutorials on this, but one can not find that which is quite simple to understand, so I am here after some real basic steps! Cheers Edit: Based on the instructions given below, here's a summary of what I did: Syntax file 'Log.vim' was created IN ....