c# - Access mdb file content from .net when mdb file has password -

I am creating window applications in C # and anybody was thinking of setting a password on the MDB file of MS Access My window can open that file other than the application or who knows the password for that file anytime.

I managed to preserve that file, but unfortunately I could not see that file through my application. Actually I do not need to set the user name and password to open that file. Entering the username and password in the connection string is not working.

Edit Sorry for some confusion

I think the file wants to preserve the password instead of the database connection. That file should not be opened in any case. For this, I managed to set the password on file using MS Access, but IM did not enable me to open that file through my file.

Edit2: "Provider = Microsoft J.A.L.D. 4.4; Data Source = A: \ Projects \ Gergubube \ dbGargTubes.mdb; User ID =" "; Password =" >

Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source = e: \ projects \ gargTube \ dbGargTubes.mdb; Database Password = ABC; "

Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = E: \ Projects \ GargTube \ dbGargTubes.mdb; Jet ODDB: Database Password = ABC;

Error: Installed ISAM could not be found

Since you are talking about passing em There are> Usernames and passwords, I assume that you have preserved your database by setting user rights by using the "database password" option. In that case, the user and the group system.mdw . Be sure to include the path of system.mdw in your connection string ( Jet OLEDB: System Database = Path \ To \ system.mdw , see samples).

Alternatively, you use the "database password" feature, after that, jet ALLDB: database password Option should be described in other answer. To spell it out:

  Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Rot = e: \ projects \ Grgtub \ dbGargTubes.mdb; Jet OLEDB: Database Password = ABC  


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