Licensing for MSDN code samples -
I am preparing several deep code samples for future employers. In the sample I have included references to many open source projects, and
For some functionality, I need to modify the fraction of the expression tree and I would like to use it from standard method a ExpressionVistor
such as MSDN, but I do not understand Coming out whether the license allows me to use it for the project. any suggestion?
On one side, note that this special part of the code is largely in the wild. Any project of Expression Tree uses it.
EDIT: I think what is the word behind the license. I am confused about what constitutes a sample? To comply with the license, I have added the original source licenses and links.
is: "If there is no" license "form available on this web site Microsoft without a license agreement , The code is licensed under the terms of the conditions. "
This is the relevant section in MLPL:
2 (A) Copyright Grant - Subject to the terms of this license, Section 3 includes the terms and conditions of the license, each Contributor will give you an A New
3 (c)
If you distribute a portion, you must retain all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices in the Software.3 (D) If you distribute any part of the software in the source code form, then this license will be accompanied by a full copy of this license with your license. Can do this under. If you compile a piece of software or distribute in the object code form, you can do so under a license that complies with this license.
3 (f) Platform Limit - Section 2 (A) & amp; 2 (B) only extend the software or derivative works that run on the Microsoft Windows operating system product.
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