actionscript 3 - Using Omniture ActionSource with Flash IDE -
I have a flash app in Action Script 3 which uses the document class.
I have followed the documentation to implement the Omnisource ActionSource tracking by adding the ActionSource component to my Flye library, and then to import into the document class and run the configuration code. However, the app fails to compile because it can not solve the path of component (com.omniture.ActionSource).
There is a com directory (package) in my class path where most of the squares used in my projects are
Alpinista - Ensure that you are importing classes in your document class
import Please com.omniture.ActionSource;
And make sure you are adding ActionSource class to the project using the MSP utility:
Command Menu> Omniture - Add Workspace Library
< P> ORIf you have CS4 or later, you can add ActionSource SWC file to your publishing settings:
File> Publishing Settings> Flash> Settings ... Click the button> Library Path tab> Click (+) button> Red Envelope button> select SWC file, then press OK .
If you still can not publish, you can possibly forget something simpler or typo / syntax error
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