How to run the mutex code in on button click event? -
This is my code, which I have in my C #. 3.5 tried to run in the program but I am getting errors, what is the error?
Error CS0115: 'Form 1. Dispute (Boole) ': No suitable method was found for override
This is the code where I got the error:
Protected Override Zero Disposing) {If (disposal) {this._userConnectionOption = null; This._poolGroup = null; This.close (); } This.DisposeMe (settlement); Base.Dispose (settlement); }
Actual coding starts from here:
using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Pu; Namespace WindowsApplication1 {Static class program {{STAThread} static zero Main () {// If this program is already running, set the Focus // for that example and leave it (ProcessUtils.ThisProcessIsAlreadyRunning ()) { // Caption (text property) of main form "Form 1" is ProcessUtils.SetFocusToPreviousInstance ("Form1"); } Other {application.availableviewual style (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); Application.Run (New Form 1 ()); }}}}
using the system; Using System.Diagnostics; Using System.Threading; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using System.Runtime.InteropServices; Summary Details for Namespace Pu /// Process Utilis Public Static Class ProcessUtils {Private Static Mutex mutex = null; /// If the current process is already running public static bool then determine that this process is an ISL () {// only once, this method is called at startup. Debug Asperts (mutes == free); // created Net 2.0 needs to be incorrect, otherwise, if this is the second instance of //, then this program must be run, the Mutex constructor will block, and then throw an exception if another installation is off. Bool Made New = False; Mute x = new mute x (wrong, application, product name, new created out); Debug Asset (mute x! = Null); Come back! Created new; } [DllImport ("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)) static extern IntPtr FindWindow (string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport ("user32.dll") [Return: Marshall AS (Unmanaged Type Bowl)] Static External Bull SetOnged Window (Intupetated HWW); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Fixed external bull ISI (Indiport HTM); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Fixed External Ball ShowWindow (IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); Const int SW_RESTORE = 9; [DllImport ("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr GetLastActivePopup (IntPtr hWnd); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Static External Balls ISWWNited (Intrapate HWND); /// Set the focus on the previous example of the specified program. Public Static Zero SetFocusToPreviousInstance (string windowcasting) {// Find previous examples of this program. IntPtr hWnd = FindWindow (blank, window caption); // If the previous example of this program was found ... if (hWnd! = Null) {// Is it displaying a popup window? IntPtr hPopupWnd = GetLastActivePopup (hWnd); // If so, set the focus on the popup window otherwise focus on the main window of the program // If (hPopupWnd! = Null & amp; amp; enabled; (hPopupWnd); {hWnd = hPopupWnd; } Setanged Wando (HWND); // If the program has been reduced, restore it. If (ISINCOAC (HWND)) {Shawwondo (HWND, SWYSTTAR); }}}}}
change your mute to true
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if (! Created new) mutex.Close ();
back! Created new;
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