vb.net - Write Textbox.text to dataset then to xml file -
I have found many examples to write on the dataset, but most of these are from ds.fill (..) Includes data connection and I need a simple solution. Actually I want to create an XML file from the values entered in some text boxes. I tried different methods but it can not work, what is the best way to accomplish it?
A method I used to fill the text box with an XML, but now when I have changed the data in the text box, how do I back it up in XML?
MyBase handles Private Subsystem 1_load (Sub-sender as a system, Object, System E-agent and Avent ARG). New Dataset as Load DIS: ds.ReadXml ("c: \ sales.xml") ("Text", Dtibles (0), "Check") VisTextBox.DataBindings.Add ("Text", "Text", Dettibles ( ("Text", DSTB (0), "MasterCard") AMEXTextbox: Adding ("Text", DSTB (0), "MasterCard"). DataBindings.Add ("Text", ds.Tables (0), "AMEX", "Lesson", DTTables ("Lessons", DTTables (0), "News") TotTranTaxbox.datbindings.ad (" Thank you!
Text ">
now Am I missing something? Can not you use
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