iphone - Can't upload application binary to the App Store -
We got to talk about submitting our first iPhone app (or trying) in the App Store But I can not connect to accept iTunes uploads.
I have tried through both web sites ("The binary that you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it
lots of reading (including), again After reading and googling, I can say that: "Apple Submissions Certificate" and "Application Loader" ("There is no CFBundleResourceSpecification in Info.plist").
- I'm sure the bundle The identifier matches the APID.
- is an icon, it is a 57x57 px PNG file, and it is The exact name is Info.plist.
- I'm doing a tool, not a simulator, build.
- The signaling process is successful: build results show this, and
Codeign -vvvv MyApp is running .app
indicates no problem. - There are no strange characters in the way of Zip F. IL.
- I created the build folder Has been removed and binary has been rebuilt several times.
Now, it is true that in the built-in app, there is no Also explanation for this problem which I have not already mentioned? Edit: The code from the code signature step of the build (slightly read) is output, FWIW: I got two solutions (ok, workaround, anyway): I'm not sure whether this is a bug in XCode, or there is something wrong with Jason-Framework, but I'm in the latter case. UPDATE, 30 June 2010: The issue I have filed has been closed, and Mr. Bratsat has planned to remove support for the SDK option in the next release of the project (2.3). Also, though, though Google code pages still exist. CFBundle in Info.plist ResourceSpecification is not a key, but it is not quite clear when it should come from that value, or what should I add to this work. (The only reference to using the search of the apple is something ... but, as I mentioned above, the code signing procedure has been successful, as far as I can tell.)
$ (SDKROOT) / ResourceRules.plist
. It works, and looks is quite harmful, but frustrating in the sense that XCode should find it on its own basis. (I had filed this solution on Jason-Framework.)
update the statement. I am concluding from this point of view, because we have made a general decision to fold external dependencies in all our projects (so that other developers have less configuration to get their machine up and running).
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