security - Prevent Users Creating Table -
I am trying to secure MS Access 2003 MDB using workgroup security. I have most of it set up (using a new MDW etc.), but I can not stop people creating new tables in the database, if they have access to open it, do I forget something?
There is no permission to allow any account, I am doing it through all groups. Users only have access to open runs in the database, do not have access to MSys *
tables only.
Any ideas or am trying to make it impossible?
- Update -
I have tried to use the magician, but it still leaves me the same problem. I have a blank database & amp; The wizard ran away to 2 users, M & amp; All access to users, and standard groups was deleted I added to the Admin Group & amp; The user's read-only group.
Denies not using MDW, as expected. Logging allows me to enter full access (design stuff, add data, delete data, etc.), allowing user to log in as a login, but do not add or design data (expected), but it's just Also a new table after which the user will have full access to the additions, removals, etc.
Therefore, after one year of posting this question, one more way to solve it, another way Looking for, but its time with success!
I came to know that this is the standard way of securing the database, which manually and use the wizard, make the user group clear on the tab container Allow permissions to cancel the same software permissions, so now I can get a completely secured database, where a user can access MDB without using special MDBs, But they can only access and edit the data I want.
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