c# - lambda expressions on populated lists -
There are some posts on the site about how to use lambda expressions, but I do not seem to be doing my work can. Am I trying to reorder a list of already populated ones, am I wrong in thinking that I can rearrange the sequence of this list using lengthy expressions?
QuarterMileTimes.OrderByDescending (c => c.PquartermileTime);
I was wondering if this is the string below the pixel matter? I also tried the date of this expression
Quarter Mile Times. Order (C => c.RaceDay);
There is still no luck where I am going
When you call, the method is a new IEnumerable & Lt; T & gt;
- This does not rearrange the collection in place.
Try to:
Quarter meters = Quarter-mile time. Order Buysenending (C => C. PactarmMilitime). Ollist ();
(This is when your collection is a list
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