C++ standard/de facto STL algorithm wrappers -
Is there a standard / real standard wrapper around a standard algorithm that explains the beginning and end of containers Let me show you what I mean with the code:
// instead of specifying std :: copy (vector.begin (), vector.end (), output) Instead of specifying; Write as xxx: copy (vector, output);
I know that it can be easily written, but I am particularly looking for something ubiquitous. Thank you. It has an extension of the Boost Range Library named RangeEX, which includes range rappers for all stell algorithms,
It has recently been accepted in Boost and hence it is not yet in the "official" release (1.41). Unless this change can happen, you can do it with boost vault.
I do not know that this will ever be a part of the C ++ standard, but the fact that Boost is in it means that this de real standard
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