.net - How to make sgen.exe keep the version of the assembly? -
I want to create a serialization assembly for my assembly sgen
this is ok, but I Can not understand how to specify the same version as the serialization assembly in the form of a source assembly.
Any thoughts?
by default, take source assembly version, it is quite reasonable .
Here's how I'm running, nothing special:
"... pathToSDK ... \ Microsoft Visual Studio SDK \ sgen.exe" / force / Assembly: "$ (target)" / compiler: "\" / keyfile: $ (projectdair) .. \ key.snk "\" / compiler: / deliensen -
/ force- Existing serializer assemblies to overwrite
/ assembly - For path assembly, I run it in post-build event in VS project settings, so I have the $ (TargetPath)
variable I use
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