iPhone - Failed to save the videos metadata to the filesystem -
My application uses UIJPPP so that the user can use the camera and edit a photo to edit / etc Could. I'm getting the following error message:
2010-02-03 10: 41: 24.018 Livingroom [5333: 5303] Failed to save video metadata in the file system. The information may not be consistent with a plast.
Program received signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
A search on Google brings several threads to different forums, no final answer / root cause / an example of how to fix / debug the thread code below, which comes from my app's The same happens:
If I reboot then the error disappears for some time (10 tests in a row, no error) I - Phone I am not able to determine whether it reboots after reboot, but it does not use the video source and the fact that a reboot resolves the problem for some time Meme leakage (maybe?).
The problem always appears on the iPhone Reboot) and when the simulator selects a picture from the album, but the app does not crash on the iPhone or simulator.
There was no error message in the exact code with compiled code while using SDK 3.0 (last August / September) but 3.1.x has always produced an error message, which means that one week or so Once the iPhone has to make a mistake, the error will need to reboot. Users are no longer happy with that solution!
Any suggestions / leads will be highly appreciated.
I had only one problem, this was due to incorrectly releasing some related image data
- (zero) Image Picture Controller: (UIImagePickerController *) Picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) information {[Self buffer modulus view controllerimage: TRUE]; UIImage * image = [Info Objective: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; NSDT * ImageData = UIImageJPEG Report (Image, 0.9F); // works with image dot // {..} // Wrong release caused me error message [/ / imageData release]; }
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