c# - How can I add relationships to the aspnetdb database in MVC? -
I have difficulty in wrapping my head how to use membership in MVC I know that the ASPNETDB is built in database Has all the basic tables for users and in such a way but if I want to add a connection between my custom table and this user is created in the table?
If I had a database table that contained blog comments, then we would call it comment and in every comment, it was linked to a using ID, as if I could do something?
User.Comments.Add (someCommentObj)
Anyone know of a good article on this? Is this also possible?
Take a look at this comprehensive article: / P>
Look at Part 6 and 7, you might want to implement a custom profile provider and store comment references in the profile.
part 6 - Capture additional user-specific information using the profile system. Learn about built-in SqlProfileProvider
Part 7 - Subscriptions, roles, and profile systems are built using all provider models, which allow for a great deal of their implementation.
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