Referring to the type of an inner class in Scala -

tries to duplicate the following code: Instead of behaving in Inner , it is encoded I've added the useInner method I insert method of its enclosed class so that the user should refer only to the Inner examples, but always have a brief example of By doing so, all the Inner examples from a specific external example are only one Are bound to behave (but here it needs).

  Boolean (X: External #Inner): Boolean = X. Encoding.INTERNATOR (x)      / Code> / Pre> 

It does not compile and Scala 2.8 complains:

  type mismatch; Found: sandbox External # Internal Required: _81.Inner where Wal _81: Sandbox. From the external  

I think the problem is that an Inner example from useInner specific external example As arguments as expected.

What is the true explanation and how to solve this problem?

I think the type of infer is like this. Inner External # Internal is not independent of external examples (depending on a path-dependent type).

  Abstract class exterior {sealing word inner {df enclosing = outter.e} def useiner (ex: external # inner): boolean} def toBoolean (x: external #internal): boolean = x .enclosing.useInner (x)  


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