uikit - How do you create a multi button confirmation on the iPhone? -
On iPhone, when you press a confirmation slide from the "Delete Event" button in the calendar app, do anyone Is any example code address, or is it a short scene presented with a custom view?
If this is done using a custom view, do you know where I can get a background graph similar to the one used in the calendar app?
Thanks in advance!
NB: I'm not talking about a UIAlertView dialog box, but confirming the slide-in with multiple buttons.
UIACSheet is what you are looking for.
Here are some code examples to get you started with:
UiXSATET * Actionsite = [[UIACASET ALL] Init Vitalit: @ "Save Photo?" Representative: cancel yourselfTuttonite: @ "no" destructive button title: @ "yes" other button titles: zero]; [Action sheet show invoice: self.view]; [Actionsite release];
This will slide down to an action sheet. There are 2 buttons in yes and no.
When the user selects any button, then actionSheet: didDismissWithButtonIndex:
method is called
- (zero) operation: ( UIActionSheet *) The action sheet had done with the Disease with Button Index: (NSITAZAR) button index {// your code here}
to your controller class & lt; UIActionSheetDelegate> Protocol
Hope it helps!
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