Django Custom Admin Ordering -
I have a list of images in my admin area. I would like to add an upp / down button to every area on the up field Clicking will move the image up in the order of the images. So it says its number 3 in the list and I click on it, now it should be moved to number 2. In order to proceed in the order of Bally, by clicking on the area, button or image given below.
Any thoughts? Please do not assume that I am still new to Jago
This snippet is "up" and " Down "link next to each object in the admin lists for a given model:
I use it for most of my project I used to make it a slightly different reusable app Created, by placing it in a different dictionary (do not forget about the __ init
file) - # --------
Inside the file Meta link # -------- view
and # -------- URL Config
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