SQL Server 2008 backup best practices -
For no reason, I lose all my data in my database Fortunately this was just test data, but I think What will happen if this production is done with DB.
Eventually, every developer has got the DB problem and wants to roll back DB. We do not do anything to save DB, because we think its DBA is working, but then we got into trouble ...
What are your best backup methods?
Since all developers are also DBA where I work, we collectively If you have data, make sure that you are at least informing how backup works, even if you are not part of the actual decisions.
The very first thing that I do (before I have a database set up) is planned overnight maintenance which includes full backups, and those backups have a separate computer ( On our NAS) a central network directs to share. At the very least, for the sake of your job, do not put backups on the physical stores that are sitting in your database files. If you lose the disc, then you lose them, so what happens back up?
We do not restore from time to time, so we do not back up logs (all our databases are set in simple recovery mode), but if you want a log of backup, make sure that you They also include those as an acceptable interval.
On one side of the note, SQL 2008 supports compressed backup, which increases speed, makes backup time considerably and makes files too much, very small - I can not think of an example where you Do not want to use the option. I would love to hear one, though, and I'm ready to reconsider!
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