Which controller to get data for UITableViews in IPhone app? -
I have a client viewer, which is with the customer's table view. Click on a customer (selected rotavand applet) and an order viewer shows a table view of the order for that customer. I now have test data in an NSArray for testing. However, at some point I have to call the web service to get order data. Which controller is appropriate for calling the web service? Videoconvertor customer or video in customer VPARIndexPoint, the View option of the VCD controller? Thank you very much for any best practice and advice.
Think about names, not actions. A table viewer like you displays the controller of a certain type of object that describes the controller. It should be taken care of the most about that type if you want information about any other type of object, then it should be handled by another controller.
So Customer Viewer
looks like it handles everything about customers, and OrdersViewController
- customerviewcroller The user taps a customer
- The order view controller is created with a customer object or customer ID that is passed during the initial time
- The Order Viewer launcher requests and displays the loading indicator
- The order viewer takes the task when the request is completed by reloading the table and hiding the loading indicator
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