Android SDK and AVD Manager, Stalls and/or never finishes -

Recorded for future generations.

I saw only a few posts around the net and all of them recommend using HTTP instead of HTTPS and there were several ways to do this. None of these Windows was discussed, though Linux was not working for me and I could not find any way to download it in my vista Vista 64 machine.

So after doing a lot of work manually downloaded them manually and got them to work. I did this by putting it on a machine that was working and reading the repository.exm file and downloading them.


Then I removed them and the top directory Android -1.6 (this minimum

platforms directory

then rebooted my machine and it seems.

Hope this helps someone


You have to disable auto tuning on your network adapter.

Run it in the administrator command prompt (click on the command prompt from the Start menu, run as Administrator)

NETS Interface TCP Set Global Autotuning = Disabled

Resume AVD Manager


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