iphone - Random image display using rand() -

I'm just SDK and trying to learn Objesi 2, hatred around with little apps.

Im trying to display an image randomly and I find different ways to display a picture. I have uploaded the image to the SDK resource folder.

Anyway, this is my code, can someone run me in the right direction.

  #import "randomViewController.h" @implementation randomViewController // is not sure that it really is the right way to do this is NSArray * comImage = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "rock .png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" paper.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" scissors.png "], zero]; - (IBAction) Randton {int text = rand ()% 3; Switch (text) {case 0: textView.text = @ "rock"; break; Case 1: textView.text = @ "Paper"; break; Case 2: textView.text = @ "" Scissor "; break; default: brake;}}  

I it would like:

  NSArray * myImageNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @ "rock.png", @ "paper.png", @ "scissors.png", zero ]; Int index = arc4random ()% [myImageNames count]; UIImage * myImage = [UIImage image named: [myImageNames Objektaetindaks: Index]]; MyUIImageView.image = myImage;  

of course You can keep your INGJnames so that you do not have to fix it every single run.

see it was updated code assumes that you have already UIImageView to myUIImageView is added to your scene. I believe that that is how you got UIButton on screen before.

< p> to add a UIImageView:

announce UIImageView * myUIImageView in its header. it Deedlod using you xib that you feel in your view:

  MyUIImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (X, Y, width, height)]; [Self.view addSubview: myUIImageView];  

Replace x, y, width, and height with appropriate values ​​They will determine where UIImageView appears and how big it is.


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