Access to the path is denied when programmatically downloading a file from ftp in C# on Win7 64bit -
I am using the C # framework REBEX files in files from APT in Win7 64 bit VS2008.
After pressing F5 to start debugging, I get an error on which entry is prohibited from the path I am downloading.
I believe it may be due to the UAC and Win7 / Vista. I did some research and found some information on app.manifest, but when I change the access level I entered in the app, it is mentioned that this click is not compatible with security settings. Therefore I have disabled only one click when it is automatically re-enabled during the project or debugging itself. And yes, I have enabled full security privileges for all users on the folder, and I have tried to send the file to my ... \ AppData \ Roaming \
The idiot drives me out I was not setting the entire local file path just to help someone else in my plight ...
This will make the entry exception denied:
client.GetFile (item.Name, @ "C: \ DIR \");
And this will give you the file you want:
client.GetFile (item.Name, @ "C: \ DIR \" + item name);
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