tomcat6 - tomcat: how can i place parameters in web.xml and fetch them in my application? -

I want to store DB connection information in the application web.xml file and want to bring it into the application.

Thank you!

2) In your web.xml Link to your resource pool


eg (Tomcat 5.5 and above).

I have an example_des (data source) in the connection pool, and here I your web.xml

  & lt; resource ref & gt; & Lt; description & gt; database connection, for example & lt; / description & gt; & LT; race-referee-name & gt; JDBC / Example_DS & lt; / race-referee-name & gt; & lt; Press Type & gt; javax.sql.DataSource & lt; / Race Type & to gt; & LT; Race Writing & gt; container & lt; / race Writing & gt; & LT; Race sharing-scope and shared gt; the qualified & lt; / race sharing the room & gt; & Lt; / resource ref & gt;  

the context.xml (meta created found in -aianaf folder) coincides with my resources. still using Tomk.

  & lt; resource name = "jdbc / example_ds" auth = "container" types = "Javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive = "100" maxIdle = "30" maxwait = "10000" username = "YOURUSERNAMEHERE" password = "YOURPASSWORDHERE" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url = "JDBC: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / DATABASEHERE autoReconnect = true" removeAbandoned = "true" RemoveAbandonedTimeout = "60" log expired = "true" testonbase = "true" verification = "selection1" />  

Obviously, you can see that I am using MySQL here.

& lt; Resources / & gt; allows you to create a connection pool (in Tomkat)

In JBoss ....

1) a Example_DS.xml file where for example your data source Name is



then the user & lt; Resource Ref & gt; that I left earlier in Jboss to map it to my DS. Deploy your DS.xml file to / Server / Default / Deployed / Folder and restart JBoss.

Once you have completed, you can call it using Java in context.


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