Android: Animating View position -
I am trying to do what seems to be simple I have to see a map, with a menu that is at the bottom of the screen Slides from the part where the settings (for the overlay) can be adjusted. However, when I use the translation animation to affect the Y position of the linear layout (the menu holds), the buttons moving in liner layout, but the "hit area" remains in the same condition as They were before the animation.
Translation Animation Slide = New Translation Permission (0,0,0,0,0,0); Slide.setDuration (300); Slide.setFillAfter (true); PullupMenu.startAnimation (slide); MapContainer.startAnimation (slide);
I have also seen in understanding the margin top value of the scene, but did not even know how it would be done.
These instructions will be highly appreciated.
Normally animating pixels of the animation widget. My suspicion, based on what you have written, is that setFillAfter ()
arranges for pixels to stay in the destination, the widget itself is not.
If you want the animation to actually run the widget, then you need it:
- Register a listener to find out when the animation is over , And
- to modify the layout rules indicates that the widget is actually present in the new location
You can see a sliding panel that uses this technique Use.
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