.net - How to use the mutex code in a C# program? -
I have gone through the code of mutex, but this is giving me errors:
Public override disposal (bool disposing); There is no suitable method for disposal
This component is being started on startup, so I have commented on that part, but the main error I am facing is the Design View Part Is on:
Designer code can not be processed on line 26: throw new NotImplementedException; The code is generated by the code designer within the 'InitializeComponent' and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try to open the designer again.
I can not see form.cs [design] how can I fix it?
Using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using Pu; Namespace WindowsApplication1 {Static class program {{STAThread} static zero Main () {// If this program is already running, set the Focus // for that example and leave it (ProcessUtils.ThisProcessIsAlreadyRunning ()) { // Caption (text property) of main form "Form 1" is ProcessUtils.SetFocusToPreviousInstance ("Form1"); } Other {application.availableviewual style (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); Application.Run (New Form 1 ()); }}}}
using the system; Using System.Diagnostics; Using System.Threading; Using System.Windows.Forms; Using System.Runtime.InteropServices; Summary Details for Namespace Pu /// Process Utilis Public Static Class ProcessUtils {Private Static Mutex mutex = null; /// If the current process is already running public static bool then determine that this process is an ISL () {// only once, this method is called at startup. Debug Asperts (mutes == free); // created Net 2.0 needs to be incorrect, otherwise, if this second instance of // is running, then the Mutex constructor will block, and then throw an exception if the other permission is closed. Bool Made New = False; Mute x = new mute x (wrong, application, product name, new created out); Debug Asset (mute x! = Null); Come back! Created new; } [DllImport ("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)) static extern IntPtr FindWindow (string lpClassName, string lpWindowName); [DllImport ("user32.dll") [Return: Marshall AS (Unmanaged Type Bowl)] Static External Bull SetOnged Window (Intupetated HWW); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Fixed external bull ISI (Indiport HTM); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Fixed External Ball ShowWindow (IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); Const int SW_RESTORE = 9; [DllImport ("user32.dll")] static extern IntPtr GetLastActivePopup (IntPtr hWnd); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Static External Balls ISWWNited (Intrapate HWND); /// Set the focus on the previous example of the specified program. Public Static Zero SetFocusToPreviousInstance (string windowcasting) {// Find previous examples of this program. IntPtr hWnd = FindWindow (blank, window caption); // If the previous example of this program was found ... if (hWnd! = Null) {// Is it displaying a popup window? IntPtr hPopupWnd = GetLastActivePopup (hWnd); // If so, set the focus on the popup window otherwise focus on the main window of the program // If (hPopupWnd! = Null & amp; amp; enabled; (hPopupWnd); {hWnd = hPopupWnd; } Setanged Wando (HWND); // If the program has been reduced, restore it. If (ISINCOAC (HWND)) {Shawwondo (HWND, SWYSTTAR); If you are actually trying to override "settlement", the method is a thing of the cover - this is dissection
, is not dissection
. C # is case-sensitive. For the rest of the problems, it is difficult to say because you have not really given enough information about what you are doing. If you want to start by telling us about your situation, it will help. What have you done, of course? Where does the mute come in?
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