caching - Flash CS4 refuses to let go -
I have a flash project, and there are several source files in it I have a fairly heavily used class, call it jenin I recently (and, perhaps, happily) moved Genie from one place to another, I thought we were ready - I thought it was time. The new Genie was better in every way - she had lost some code bloat, she had separated herself from certain class relationships, and she eventually came home to the name of the place that she always knew secretly in her heart, He was actually related to one. He was in the middle of his kind.
Unfortunately, there will be no one in the flash. Perhaps it had formed an attachment probably it did not want to be decoupled by Jenin in any way, it stuck to the old, perfect version of Jenin in its memory. He refused to move forward, ignoring his (function) calls he tried to forget his new, public interface. Instead, this example of Jenin is always a copy of the old version, below its orbit:
var jenineInstance: Jenine = new Jenine (); Trace (getQualifiedClassName (genienstance)); // should print: com.newnamespace.subspace :: Jenine // PRINTS: com.oldnamespace.subspace :: Jenine // ah, young love!
We are not proud of some things I fought or did what I said or did. After all, in the huge size of anger, I completely removed all the references to Jenin. He was completely completely erased from the system. My cursor has fallen on the "garbage empty" menu option, like the cold lid of the casket.
I do not think Flash has ever been recovered. For this day it still captures the memory of genine; their old, incomplete definitions still look like ghosts inherent through my project. Whenever I force to compile the flash, it still falls in love with my film, its definition is in the second, in live classes, like a small pilgrimage. I wonder if they can see him if they can see him.
Flash and I do not really talk anymore. I write my code, compile it, there is a new girl who is a girl called Summer, which looks almost like Jenin, as if someone had copied her source-code bulk to a new category, but Flash I have not shown any interest in most days, it just writes pictures of my surroundings incorrectly and in my comments when he thinks that I am not seeing, then write me bad poetry. is.
I hope someone else does not have such an experience, it is only a singular, painful wave, the terrible dark lagoon which is the code code. If you have some strange possibilities, or have any idea how to remove any kind of cash using the compiler, please, please help.
Flash still has an ASO file, which is a byte code compiled for your classes. On Windows, you can see the ASO file here:
c: \ documents and settings \ user name \ local settings \ application data \ Adobe \ Flash On CS4 Mac, the directory structure is similar to / user / usernames / library / app support /
. \ N \ n \ n \ n \ n \
You can remove those files manually, or in Flash, you can remove them from control-> gt; Delete ASO files
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