grails - setting cookies when render type is "contentType: text/json" -
Is the return render type set as json when it is possible to set cookies on the reaction?
I can set cookies on a standard reader type and later on the response object, I am able to get it back on later request. However, if I had to set cookies while presenting return values as Jason, then I could not return the cookie on the next request object. What's going on here
These two actions work, as do the required work with the 'basic form', post after taking a regular action, with 'Regular submit', when users click submit Does.
// Sets the first action cookie and the second action is basically set cookie def regular action = {// cookie plugin response. Uses a set cookie ("username-regular", "regular cocky user 123", 604800); Submit Return (See: "Basic Farm"); } // REGURI with form post DRF with name == {def myCookie = request.getCookie ("username-regular"); // value presents 'regularCookieUser123' returns (see: "result view"); }
When I switch to setting cookies before returning with a response with json, I do not get the cookies back with the post.
The request begins with receiving an HTML document that contains a form and when the doctor's load event is removed, the following request is attached with javascript in JavaScript like this: < / P>
var SomeUrl = "http: // localhost / jason action"; $ Get (someUrl, functions (jsonData) {// do some work with Javascript}
Controller's work:
// asked this verb Returns a html doc with a form initially and def loadJsonForm = {return render (see: "jsonform") //} is called by javascript when the document load event def jsonAction = {response.setCookie (" User-type: 'text / json') {'pair' ('myKey': "someValue")}}} / def myCookie = request .getCookie ("Uses Yes name-JS "); // zero value is found, expected: submit the user's return to jsoncookie (see:" result view ");}
data returned As a result of the user pressing the 'submit' button, not through the server and the script. Before presenting with both 'Regular submit' and 'JasonSubmit', I look at the cookies stored in the browser (Firefox), so I know that is, they Accessed clients.
I realized what's the problem - a path not set for the cookie plugin cookie , So it is stored with "server / controller / action" later on request when I'm asking for cookies, the plugin returns the cookies associated with the new request path.
Refresh plugin code so that cookies are stored in similar paths.
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