- Loop through the datalist to get data -
I am stuck in changing the rate in Dalitism. My page has a dropdown list (currency converter), a donor - the label inside has the cost of the bag. Now I use dropdownlist.selectedIndexchange
Protected Sub ddl_rate_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal = roomList as this object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddl_rate.SelectedIndexChanged dim lbl_rate label .Items.Item (0) .FindControl ( "lbl_rate") dim integer as integer = Convert.ToInt32 (lbl_rate.Text) as if ddl_rate.Text = "Australian Dollar (AUD)" then dim b = (a * .8029) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () elseif ddl_rate.Text = "Brazilian real (BRL)" then b as integer dim = (a * 1.3024) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () If
Mapt change this rate though, but it only changed the first line Any suggestions?
It is expected to see the rest without code:
safety equipment ddl_rate_SelectedIndexChanged (ByVal control as the object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) handles ddl_rate.SelectedIndexChanged foreach dim lbl_rate label = c.FindControl ( "lbl_rate") dim as a (c roomList.Items as) = integer ConvertkToInt32 (Lbl_ratekText) If ddl_rate.Text = "Australian Dollar (AUD)" then int = (a * .8029) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () elseif ddl_rate.Text = "B in the form of Brazil Rial (BRL)" then B. As Integer = (a * 1.3024) lbl_rate.Text = b.ToString () End If Next
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