binding - Plugging in jQuery HoverIntent for Sliding Panel -
I have a following code to create a dropdown accordion that shows the hidden div "#top_mailing_hidden" when div The problem is "#top_mailing" Hovered is the problem that when I interrupt the animation and then mousing again it closes the animation and clutches.
I have the following code:
// Drop down the top mailing list animation $ (document). (Function () ($ ('# top_mailing') .bind ("mousecent", function ($ {"(# top_mailing_hide"), stop (). Slide down ('slow');}) .bind ("mouseleave Slide Up ('Slow');});
$ (the "work") has been defined in the Brian Cherane plugin by calling the HoverInant Function ("Mactell" and "MeshShort" # Demo2 li "I think the behavior I'm getting His best solution is to use Brian Chern's "HoverIntent" jQuery plugin. The problem is that I do not know how / where to enter the code above to call the HoverIntent plugin, call it ".hoverIntent" Instead of saying, but my code is using .bind ("mouseEnter" ... anybody please help!
You can still use an anonymous function with hoverIntent:
$ ('# top_mail Ng "). Hovrintent (function () {$ (" # top_mailing_hidden "). stop (). Slide Down ('Slow'); }, Function () {$ ("# top_mailing_hidden"). Stop (). SlideUp ('Slow'); });
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