jsf - Does rich:messages tag need to be in an a4j:region? -
I have never used a & lt; Rich: messages & gt; A & lt; Tag in the area of a4j: Area & gt; Tag, sometimes I'm guessing that the message tag should be within the A4j area, but was not able to determine from the richface documents. any idea?
Thanks in advance.
No, there is no need Ajax area is a major AJAX component. This limiting the portion of the component tree to be processed on the server side after the AJAX request. Processing means call during decoding, validation and model update phase. The most common reasons for using an area are:
- Avoid repeal of JSF lifecycle processing during the validity of the unnecessary input of the given form for the given Ajax request;
- Showing an Individual Indicator of an Ajax Status
- Increasing Performance of Rendering Processing (selfRendered = "true /
You can read more about this tag.
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