xcode - Problems accessing rootviewController of navcontroller iphone -
I'm closing the seismic XML iPhone instance. In that example, there are just such application representatives who are the Root WEEK controller type UITableViewController.
I wanted to modify it a little bit so that I have a navigation controller and can use it as its root interpreter table view. My navigation name of my root view controller class to the controller has been named "firstLevelViewController"
Sample code says it
[rootViewController.tableView reloadData];
I say [navController.firstLevelViewController.tableView reloadData]
say, but I am getting an error saying something " some members' request for firstLevelViewController not a structure or union "
how can I find the main app reference Rutwukantrolr navigation controller delegate?
There is no property in a first levelview controller
a UINavigationController
. Want to use Yntrk you can use
UITableViewController * firstLevelViewController = navController.topViewController; Stress ([first Levlwukantrolr Hakindof class: [Uaitiblwukantrolr class]]); [first Levlwukantrolr .tableView re Loddeta];
if before Levlwukantrolr
means that use of the visual controller you can
UITableViewController * firstLevelViewController = [navController.viewControllers objectAtIndex: 0]; ....
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