
Showing posts from April, 2013

javascript - where does it call a pop up? -

Am I trying to find this code where it directs a new browser window? & lt; Div id = "mlcalc-w1" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mlcalc-w2" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mlcalc-w3" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mlcalc-w4" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "mlcalc-w5" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" media = "screen, projection" href = " "& Gt; & Lt; Div id = "mlcalc-pres" & gt; & Lt; H2 id = "mlcalc-head" & gt; & Lt; Em> 19 mortgage calculator & lt; / Em> & Lt; Em> & Lt; A href = "" rel = "nofollow" target = "_ blank" & gt; Get this widget & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Time & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Them & g...

networking - Sniffing PPP/WAN interface in Vista/Server 2008 -

There used to be a normal dialup interface, but it does not seem that I did some Google on Vista / Server 2008/7 / Server 2008 R2 but it did not come with any results Did you have any Thinking? Whatever I have collected, do not sniff the terahark packet Dialup (PPP / WAN) interface briefly There is nothing in me that you can do, I have tried to work it, but it is only for Ethernet / wireless interfaces. Hope this helps, Best Courses, Tom.

c# - Auto generation of ID -

I need to generate an ID with the following attributes: ID must have two part 'type' and 'auto incremental' number. 'type' is an integer and the value can be 1, 2 or 3 'Auto-incremented' starts with the number 10001 and every time the id's ID is generated. then the generated ID = 210001 > There can be a Hundrade for the creation of User ID. Now my question is, can this be done without any stored procedures, which has no objection to the ID ID. I am using ASP.NET (C #), Oracle, NHBinnet As soon as you use Oracle, you can use it for it. Every time you call, your_sequence.NEXTVAL returns a unique number.

c# - Help on implementing how creatures and items interact in a computer role playing game -

I am playing a simple role playing game (for learning and fun) and I am at that point where I am Trying to make a way to interact with each other for game objects, there are two things that I am trying to avoid. Creating a huge game object It can also be done and everything can be done Complexity - That's why I like a component based on your I'm staying away from Jhain If you need to give advice to act on each other for me game objects with those standards in mind. For example Creatures (characters, monsters, NPCs) can act on animals or items (weapons, drugs, traps, doors) Items on beings or items An example can also be going to be a trap when a character tries to open a chest What I have come together is a PerformAction method That creature can take the item as parameters such as PerformAction (animal source c, item source i, q Lead target C, Item goal I) // should usually do 2 taps will conclude the parameter as // only one source and one target valid...

flex - Scaling with BitmapData -

I am working on an application that will allow a user to scale an image. The problem is that I have been living with the method given below that scaling is always happening at the last scale point. For example: If I measure the image one and then we measure the one below the image, I have to scale it down twice to get it back, I should do it Anyone with this Help is greatly appreciated. Here is my current code: Private var source BMD: BitmapData = testImage.source as BitmapData Private Var MatrixSQLLax: number = 1; Private var matrix scanned Y: number = 1; Private var baseScaleX: number = .05; Private var baseScaleY: number = .05; Private function source zoom (zoom type: boolean = false): zero {var matrix: matrix = new matrix (); Var matrix image: bitmapdata; If (zoomtype) {matrixScaleX = matrix sclex + base SCALX; MatrixScilli Y = MatrixScilli Y + Basically Y; Matrix.a = matrix sslx; Matrix.d = matrixScaleY} Other {matrixScaleX = matrixScaleX - baseScaleX; Matrix Scale Y = ...

lua - Dynamically assigned table variables? -

Write a function in Lua, which creates two tables I want to assign tables with the value name with an X Go, and with a y pair. For example, if there was a line named, it would make two table lines and linear, but how can I understand how to do it. The following clearly does not work (and only for display purposes), but how would I go about doing this? Function Mailline (X, Y, Minorand, MaxRand, Name, Length) Name ..x = {} name..y = {} Later I hope to reach "linex" and "liney" when values ​​are written. If you want them in the global namespace, you _g [name .. 'x] will use'] = {} _g [name. 'Y'] = {} For a module, you must use _m will replace instead of _G . - How do I get the host domain name in ASP .NET without using HttpContext.Current.Request? -

An ASP on IIS7. Net application is running. I am using the current URL which is running the site to set some stable properties of a class in my application. To do this, I am using this domain name (insde to the static manufacturer of the class): var host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host; And it works fine on my Dev Machine (Windows XP / Cassini). However, when I deploy IIS 7, I get an exception: "The request is not available in this context" I'm guessing this because I created this code in a stable creator of an object I am using, which is being executed in IIS before any request; And unless there is a request, Cassini does not trigger the stable manufacturer. Now, I was not basically like the idea of ​​dragging the domain name from the request for this reason, but this was the only place I got) => So, is there anyone else Know I can get the host domain name? I'm assuming that ASP The net should be aware of this at HTTU Extensions at an independ...

php - MYSQL like a join but only need the newest row? -

मैं निम्नलिखित करना चाहता हूं लेकिन एक प्रश्न में: $ query = mysql_query ( "चयन नाम से tbl_users WHERE श्रेणी = '1'"); जबकि ($ पंक्ति = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ query2 = mysql_query ("तिथि से निर्धारित तिथि से दिनांकित तिथि से दिनांकित DESC LIMIT 1"); $ Row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query2); प्रति पंक्ति गूंज ['नाम'] "& Gt;" $ पंक्ति 2 ['तिथिबद्ध']। "& Lt; br / & gt;"; } एक उपयोगकर्ता तालिका और एक टिप्पणी तालिका है, मैं उपयोगकर्ताओं की सूची और उनके पास अंतिम टिप्पणी की तारीख प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैं? क्या यह संभव है कि एक एकल प्रश्न में? आप निम्न SQL का उपयोग करके ऐसा कर सकते हैं: SELECT name, (SELECT datecreated FROM tbl_comments WHERE tbl_users.user_id = tbl_comments.user_id ORDER तिथि के अनुसार LIMIT 1) Tbl_users से WHERE श्रेणी = '1'; या का उपयोग कर: SELECT, MAX (datecreated) के रूप में ताज़ा टिप्पणी से tbl_users LEFT JOIN tbl_comments ON (tbl_users.user...

asynchronous - How do I make an async call to Hive in Java? -

I want to execute a hive query on the server in an asynchronous way. The hive query will take a lot of time to complete, so I would not want to block the call. I am currently using the Thurff to create blocks on a blocked call (Client.execute ()), but I have not seen an example of creating a non-blocking call. Here is the blocking code: TSocket transport = New TSocket ("", 10000); transport.setTimeout (999999999); TBRI protocol protocol = new TBRI protocol (transport); client client = new thrifthigh.client (protocol); (); Client.execute (HQL); // Omitted HQL list & lt; string & gt; Punk {String row: rows} {// Content with line}} transport.close (); Trying / holding blocks is difficult to keep it in the code given above. Do anyone have any ideas, which is the way to make ASCIC calls? Can support hive / thrift Is this a better way? Thank you! AFAIK, Time Written Thruph The alike does not generate customers. The reason gi...

How to hide the row header in the first row when no row is selected in a Silverlight DataGrid? -

I have a datagrid that shows all the headers of the rows I have observed that after the population of some datagrid datagrid Also, there is no selected row (i.e. selected index = -1), the small blue rectangular row header is still shown in the first row in which the first cell with blue border is highlighted. ..I have got rid of the cell limit for the first time, which is modifying the datagrid styles, but I can get rid of the blue rectangle row! Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot! Cheers, Exin I just saw this question which I asked before age ... very silly one so I will answer for myself, Qualified ... I can either modify the RowHeader or, in the style template, modify the style of DataGridRowHeaderStyle, the currentCarfliffe and editing roglif :)

javascript - render / call .aspx page html into another .aspx page -

मेरे आवेदन में, मैंने एजेक्स 4.0 क्लाइंट टेम्पलेट वर्तमान में लागू किया है मेरे टेम्पलेट एक ही .aspx पृष्ठ पर रहता है। (मेरा कहना है main.aspx) लेकिन मैं उन्हें बाहरी करना चाहता हूं। (अर्थात सभी HTML दूसरे पृष्ठ पर जाएंगे) इसके लिए मैंने $ $ का उपयोग किया है। / P> $। Get ("/ module / getTemp /" + TemplateName, फ़ंक्शन (परिणाम) {... अब, मुझे getTemp पैरामीटर ' TemplateName ' के नाम वाले पृष्ठ के HTML (अर्थात जो पृष्ठ शामिल है) वापस करने के लिए मॉड्यूल Main.aspx पृष्ठ में (नियंत्रक में सी # का उपयोग करें) इसकी तरह है .. क्या अन्य .aspx पृष्ठ में शामिल है और इसे Main.aspx पृष्ठ से कॉलिंग (ऊपर) फ़ंक्शन में कॉपी करें pls help क्या आपने HTML को वापस करने के लिए आंशिक दृश्य का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है? आप एक "टेम्पलेट" नियंत्रक को सेटअप कर सकते हैं जो इन टेम्पलेट्स को कार्य करता है । तो आप विभिन्न टेम्पलेट्स के लिए ऐक्शन मेसेज कर सकते हैं। फिर आप अपने $ में html को लाने के लिए "/ Templates / TemplateName" जैसे मार्गों ...

python - Django templates condition check -

All, We can not do the following in templates {% If == selected_id%} and we also can not specify the variable {{selected = "selected"}} thanks ........ This comparison will work in Django 1.2. 1.1 You have to use it: {% ifequal select_id%} You can use for variable assignments. {% selected as 'selected'%} {% endwith%} is not selected, do not hesitate to read it It has not hurt.

Generating F# code -

"official" code generation engine for T4 C # / VB.NET. But (this is from April, but I did not find any new mention). So what is a good way to generate the F # code? Edit: I want to implement in F #. I have already implemented them in C #, so it should be a good comparison. The "numerals" and the tree nodes can be presented as arrays, so type 'fingerprit = empty. Although single of 't, the maximum size of these arrays is very small, so it would be nice to be. Type 'T Digit =' Digit 1 't | Digit 2 't *' t * 't of' t * 't Fig 4 't *' t * 't *' t type 'node = node 2' finger tree '* finger tree | Fingerlet node 3 fingerprint * Finger tree type 't fingerring = empty | 'T's single to avoid the limit But then writing all the functions on the numeric and node becomes more difficult by hand, and it is better to produce them. And like a T4 looks like this ... Because F # suppor...

php - How to build a 'related questions' engine? -

is a part of one of our major sites where users can send questions to the website owner, Is evaluated formally when the same question often raises the fashions, then they can add this particular question to the folk. To stop them from getting dozens of such queries in one day, we want to provide a feature similar to 'related' to the question on this site (stack overflow). ' What are the ways to create such a facility? I know that I should evaluate the question somehow and compare it to the question, but how does this comparison work? What keywords are removed and if so? This site is built on the LAMP stack to refer to, so these are the available technologies. Thank you! I do not know how the stack overflow works, but I think it will find related queries Uses the tag for For example, the top of some questions related to this question have a tag recommendation engine I would think the matches of rare tags are counted for more than the match on the normal ta...

php - How to update a user's Facebook status? -

I saw many similar questions here in Stack and searched in Google but could not find any answer yet, So I'm posting this new question. I have a third party PHP5 website in which the user can write a short message. I have the ability to click the button to share the message as a Facebook status. I understand that this can be done using the Facebook API. I'm not sure where to start - can I apply Facebook to my site? I do not need anything else but this is the ability, so I do not need the Facebook canvas page. Should I start an application? Can anyone tell me in the right direction? Thank you! You: Pay special attention to connect settings Integrate your site Check that the user has given the application, and if not pop Use The details for each step are very big for a very, but hopefully this is "point in the right direction". P>

r - Display only one line for each NA Value -

At some point in my script, I want to see the number of incorrect values ​​ in my Data.frame and display them. In my case I have: outside & lt; - read.csv (file = "..... / OUT.csv", na.strings = "NULL") is yoga (outside $ codeHelper)) [ (out $ codeHelper), c ( 1, Length (colnames (outside))) It works perfectly well. However, the last command clearly gives me the full data.frame where NA is TRUE , such as: 5561 Yemen (PDR) and lieutenant; NA & gt; 5562 Yemen (PDR) & lieutenant; NA & gt; 5563 Yemen (PDR) & lieutenant; NA & gt; 5564 Yemen (PDR) & lieutenant; NA & gt; 5565 Yemen (PDR) and lieutenant; NA & gt; 5566 Yemen (PDR) & lieutenant; NA & gt; 5567 Yemen (PDR) and lieutenant; NA & gt; 5568 Yemen (PDR) & lieutenant; NA & gt; 5601 Zaire (Democ Rep Congo) & lt; NA & gt; 5602 Zaire (Democ Rep Congo) & lt; NA & gt; 5603 Zaire (Democratic Republic of Congo) & lt; NA ...

ruby on rails - rspec testing a controller post changing my params from symbols to strings and breaking my tests -

In my controller device, I am doing this: make this a new message " "Client. Should_receive (: create) .with ({: title = & gt; 'Mr.'}) Post 'Create', Client = & gt; {: Title = & gt; "Mr."} end ... and in my controller I am ... def client = client .create (params [client] ] Although this failed with the following error message: Expected: ({title = & gt; "Mr."}) found: ({"Title" = & gt; "Mr."}) I am wondering why this is happening and how it works That's because you are not going to a mark and it's not a string to fix it. Ran needs to: this should "create a new message" client. Should_receive (create) .with ({: title = & gt; 'Shree'}) 'create' post, client = & gt; {"Title" = & gt; "Mr."} End Here is a blog post: ""

sql - MySQL GROUP BY two columns -

I'm trying to group with multiple columns - one on each table. This is a scenario where I want to combine our existing portfolio and cash for each customer to get the top portfolio value together, but there can be more than one portfolio in a client, so I have a headline for each customer. Portfolio At this time, I am receiving the same client multiple times for each of my top portfolio with the code (this is not grouped by client ID). select,,, SUM (Portfolio Portfolio + Portfolio. CAS), Portfolio, Where Client.ID = Portfolio.Clit_ID Group By Portfolio ID, clients.IDER Total 30 by DESC serials Create a Client (ClientIID integer zero primary key is not auto_increment, name varchar (64) )); Create table portfolio (portfolio_id integer zero primary key auto_increment, client_id integer refers to, cash decimal (10,2), share decimals (10,2)); Enter the client (name) value ('John Doe'), ('Jane Doe'); Enter the por...

rad - Atlas280 IDE alternatives -

Are there any options (free / commercial) for Which of these are mature? You can use that which is a very similar idea, but its use is to create an interface Interface Builder (part of the encoder), then translate Nib (or xib) into a cib.

cocoa touch - Trapping general UI activity within an iPhone app -

I'm developing an iPhone app that chooses the Internet web service. If the iPhone is idle in the dock running its application every time, once every 15 seconds, once every 15 seconds, the voting rate will be reduced. If the user starts to rotate the screen or turn around the UI, then I need to start the rate of voting again for 20 seconds. Is there a universal top-level event handler, where I can net any user activity? If I do not propose user activity to capture any push and pop activity in 4 main feature usage points such as the NAV controller bar of my productivity app. In your application representative, -applicationDidBecomeActive and -applicationWillResignActive Apply. To control all user activity, also apply your custom UIWindow sub-class and override - (zero) sendEvent: (UIEvent *) event there method: - (zero) sendEvent: (UIEvent *) event {[Super send event: event]; ...} Edit: You receive UIDeviceBatteryStateDidChangeNotification (from SDK 3.0)...

c# 3.0 - Problem in deployment of wcf service using localhost in service url -

I created and deployed wcf service on the server as a Windows service, with url in app.config " ... "I am accessing this WCF service from the client machine's browser (different from the client machine) using the URL" ...... ", but I am not able to access it because it is my client The request is redirected to the local host and not for the server, what about it Can i help My second question regarding this is that I have to use the servanam in the url or localhost, okay, what's the best way? Change the URL in the config file to point to the actual server. This is all you need to do. The local host is their local machine, or when you are developing the your local machine, that is why it works in the development.

payment gateway for mobile apps -

Can you tell me about the best people for America? All popular mobile SDKs will be looking for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, J2ME and Windows Mobile. PayPal

c# - PostSharp - Attach to WebMethod-attribute methods only -

PostSharp का उपयोग करना, क्या WebMethod-attribute वाले विधियों को केवल "संलग्न" करना संभव है? पूर्व: [ट्रेस] [वेबसाइव] सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग सेवा: सिस्टम। वेब। सेवा। वेब सेवा (// पकड़े गए पीएस (वेबमिथ-एट्रिब्यूट) [वेबएमडे] सार्वजनिक शून्य मेरीमथ () { वापसी; } // पीएस सार्वजनिक शून्य से नहीं पकड़ा MySecondMethod () {वापसी; }} पीओ समुदाय के माध्यम से गोगल की तरह खोजी और खोज की है लेकिन मुझे अभी तक जो मिल रहा है वह मिला। सही दिशा में कोई टिप्पणी उपयोगी है। धन्यवाद! कोई वास्तविक नहीं है इसके लिए समर्थन; इसके बजाय आपको कम्पाउंड एस्पेक्ट का उपयोग करना चाहिए (जो कि आप असेंबली या वर्ग स्तर पर उपयोग करेंगे) और आप कम्पाउंड एस्पेक्ट। प्रोविडेंस ऐस्कॉक्ट विधि से वेबमथ कस्टम एट्रिब्यूट के वर्तमान परीक्षण कर सकते हैं।

arrays - Which is the more efficient way to store this ordered pair in php? -

Which of the following two data structures is "better"? array ('key' = 'Gt; array (1,2,3,4) OR: The array ('key', array (1,2, 3,4)) means that it is better to store the array as the second element in the two element array, or As an element in the array with the key, 'key'. Assume that for my purpose, in case of convenience, they are equivalent. I'm only curious whether someone uses more resources than anyone else. What you use for whatever you use, you are trying to store. If the key values ​​are related to the array and its unique, use the key / value. Worried about the resources used in this situation, microscopic optimization and an irrelevant distraction.

Download a File from internet programatically with an Progress event using Delphi and Indy -

I need to download a file from the Internet using Delphi from HTTP, which contains a progress event, I I'm seeing I'm using Delphi 7. Thanks in advance. I have coded this example, with Indy 10, using just one HTTP GET, Hope it works also with Indy 9: Usage {. ..} IDHTP, IDCMPent; Type TFormMain = Class (TForm) {...} Private {...} Process HttpWork (Asunder: TubEygect; AuckRoad: TWorkMode; AWorkCount: Int64); End; {...} Process TFormMain.Button1Click (Sender: TObject); War HTTP: TIDHTP; MS: Tmoristream; Start HTTP: = TIDHTP Composition (zero); Try MS: = TMemoryStream.Create; Try Http.Onwork: = HttpWork; Hptgate ('', MS); MS.SaveToFile ('C: \ ADExplorer.exe'); Finally MS free; End; Finally, free; End; End; Process TFormMain.HttpWork (Acedor: Toubacht; AWorkMode: TWorkMode; AWorkCount: Int64); War HTTP: TIDHTP; ContentLength: Int64; Percent: Integer; Start HTTP: = TIDHTP (Accord); ContentLength: = Http.Respons...

c++ - Making wide application (with plugins) -

I am going to make my application Extensible. Where can I read information about writing programs that support plugins? C ++ is a plug-in architecture that you need to know about viewing and reading . So a reply will not help beyond providing some crappy links. I can briefly describe what I can do: Typically, the plug-in is a set of dynamic libraries, which loads the host application (usually initially, sometimes there is a delay in loading for efficiency purposes is). They then become part of the application and behave as they were native / native components, so, you need to think again about the architecture and module design of your application. Here is a set of questions that you will need to answer: What do you call the core? What do you want the plug-in to do? What is the main functionality of plug-ins? If your application is cross-platform, then you will need to make sure that your plug-in APIs are also cross-platform - which usually involves some work. Do yo...

Cloning data on Entity Framework -

I am creating software where the user can create a new product based on the old product. Now I started copying / cloning operations with unit framework, first I started writing like this: (sourcedata1 in table 1) {... create new table ... Copy data ... Create Guid ... Add foreach (sourcedata2 in table 2) {.. Create new table ... Copy data ... Make mess ... Add ... and so on}} The problem is that there is not a good way to do this. Is there an easy way to know about the clone (except for the good that needs to be generated for new lines) or should I manually copy everything? Other Solutions You can also use Eitimper or Automaker to copy properties. Using direct serialization, you can: Using reflection, but with a lot of code you can do this:

c# - How do I stop a DateTime validator from padding? -

I have a simple validator, which should be checked whether the date format is incorrect. I am testing and entering 2/14/2016 ... which was passed through my verifier as 2/14/02, how can I stop it and e. ISID = false ;; Protected Zero range Val (Object Sender, Server Validate Eventers E) {Date DateTime Check = TCTD1. Text. Rim (); Choose date time; If (DateTime TryParse (dateCheck, select out) e.IsValid = true; Else e.IsValid = false; } Should there be a string instead of the date of the date? If only the dates are> 1900 valid, you can try: if (datetime trippers (date check, out selection) & amp; Date check> default (date time) e. IsValid = true; Else e.IsValid = false; And who can fulfill your requirement.

html - Css attribute selector for input type="button" not working on IE7 -

I am working on a larger form and it has all kinds of buttons, so I am trying to work In my main CSS file, input [type = "button"], so that all the buttons are captured by adding one square, for some reason it is not working on IE7, after checking it on the web, it says that IE 7 Additionally it should be type = "button" and do not type = "submit" and not all The button will submit the form. Can anybody point out what I'm doing wrong? input [type = "button"] {text-align: center; } I also tried itemprop input [type = button] I was struggling with selectors that worked in IE7 or IE8. Input [type = button] The problem was that the "DOCTYPE" declaration in the HTML pages was not missing. Once I added Then everything worked fine. You can clearly use a different "! DOCTYPE" announcement to suit your needs.

actionscript 3 - How do I ping from Flex - AIR? -

I'm bored because my development server is down and I'm pinging the command prompt indefinitely from the server so that I 'See when they close the timeline and know that I can work again. During this time I wanted to make an air app that would do it for me, so I can make it crisp or alarm or do something when it is able to connect to the server. So I need Aarti to start pinging, does anyone know how to do this? I have not received any help on this. I can not use HTTPService because whatever is broken (think it's VPN), our Dev web site is still up. Thank you Otherwise, you will see the native process of AIR 2.0 beta > Class, and use the ping command of your operating system. You can get information about how to use it.

sql server - Why when I try to output a query result to CSV in SSIS instead of decimal numbers I get ones and zeros? -

I have created a very simple data flow in SSIS that is running inside a loop. I have a simple OLE DB source control that is connecting to a SQL server and running a very complex query to split daily data according to a 30 minute interval. As has been shown below. Then I have a flat file destination control that is taking the output from OLE DB source control and saving it as a comma-delimited CSV file. As you can see above the numbers, the decimal number is at two decimal places, but in the CSV file it appears as another zero. What can I do to get the CSV query to match the input input? I tried to convert the numbers into queries but I got the same results. I also tried to change the column type in the Connection Manager, but got the same results. I have managed to import all the dataType properties for each column of data To solve the issue, I had to convert them to 'double-special float [DR-R8]' and then the CSV was saved with the proper decimal values....

c++ - Implications of template declaration & definition -

The template class and template function that I understand (for the most part) should be declared and defined in the same header file . Along with this it is said: Are there any other ways to get individual compilation of template files in a particular way? If so, what are they? What if there is a lack of declaration and definition in the same file? When it comes to template manifesto then best practice is considered & amp; definition? Basically, you have the following Option is: Template definitions appear for the compiler in the instant point. In a separate compile unit, you instantly install the necessary types so that the linker can find it. Use keyword export (if available)

vim - Why tabs is 3 columns when I am asking it to be 2 columns -

I am using MacVM. If I am in a javascript file and if my cursor is placed in the highest position on the left side, now if I make a tab then I will take two columns. If I do this in the Ruby file then I take three columns. How can I fix this? As you can see in my vimrc I'm saying everything for 2 columns. Thank you. This is driving me crazy You have a problem in your vimrc. See, it is for all files and this o BufReadPre * .rb, * .reck, rackfile, .autotest set sw = 3 sts = 3 nu ... Just for Ruby

xcode - How to develop for iPhone OS 3.1.2? -

Strange thing happened: My old version 2.2.1 works perfectly with iPod Xcode. Now I got a new one with 3.1.2. Xcode complains that it can not be developed for 3.1.2, but instead it can: Xcode supported iPhone OS version 3.1.1 (7C145) 3.1 ( 7C144) 3.0.1 (7A400) 3.0 2.2.1 2.2 2.1.1 2.1 2.0.2 (5C1) 2.0.1 (5b108) 2.0 (5 a 347) 2.0 (5 a 345) What can I do about it now? You have to update your version of XCode, go to Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2 and go to the new SDK download.

c++ - Error interface in cpp -

I am preparing a software that has two logical layers, A and B Layer B has set the objects. is. Layer AA uses the set of highlighted APIs by layer B object to retrieve information. I want to design a generic error interface in layer B objects which can highlight layer A. What would be the best way to write a common error interface? What would be enough to add anonymity for error interfacing? In addition to this, The sample signature for the Layer B API can be one of the following: error_interface sample_API (RGS) , Zero * return_value); or (this return value is) zero * sample_API (args, error_interface * err); Which of the following two signatures will be the priority? & Amp; Why? Adding it, will be some error code which will be normal for all level B objects. Some error codes will be specific to some of the B objects here how to create error hierarchy? I think the rule can not be used to create error hierarchy? Does a good idea of ​​error class hierarchy ari...

ASP.NET AJAX postback and jQuery -

मेरे पास UpdatePanel के अंदर एक टेक्स्टबॉक्स, एक लिंकबटन और एक रेडियोबटन लिस्ट है। जब बटन क्लिक किया जाता है, तो UpdatePanel रैडबॉटटन सूची में मेल खाने वाले आइटम को दिखाता है। यह ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन अब मुझे TextBox पर OnKeyDown होने पर ऐसा करने की आवश्यकता है मैं सभी AJAX अनुरोधों को प्रगति में रद्द करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं लेकिन अधिक भाग्य नहीं है I सबसे पहले, हर कुंजीपटल पर UpdatePanel वापस पोस्ट करता है, इसलिए एक बार में केवल एक अक्षर बदला जा सकता है दूसरे, पाठ बॉक्स पोस्टबैक पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर देता है। मुझे सूची को सामान्य रूप में दिखाने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन ओकेडेउन के साथ-साथ जब बटन दबाया जाता है। यह मेरे पास है (नियंत्रण ID छोटा) $ ('# textboxId')। Live ('keydown', फ़ंक्शन (e) {if ((e.keycode & gt; = 47 & amp; ; & Amp; e.keyCode & lt; = 90) || e.keyCode == 13) {Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance ()। AbortPostBack (); $ ('# buttonId') क्लिक करें (); $ (' #textBoxId ')। फ़ोकस ();}}); किसी भी अंतर्दृष्टि के...

Git for Websites / post-receive / Separation of Test and Production Sites -

I am using guit for the management of source code and deployment of my website, and currently testing and live sites The same is going on at the box. Basically after this resource, I came up with the following post received hook script which distinguishes between pushing on my live site and pushing my test to the site: while the Reef Reef Up: "#EEEEEE $ ref - will print something like the example at the top of the file's result =" echo $ ref gawk -f '' {print $ 3} '`if [$ result! =" "]; Then" Branch found: "Reef / Head / Master Result results in $ $ result - git --work-tree = c: / temp / BLAH f E-mail address "update master" echo;; refs / head / testbranch;); git --work-tree = c: / temp / BLAH2 checkout- f testbroken "update testbrunch" echo ;; *) echo "No result results $ Not known for ";; ASACE has completed" post-recovery updates ", however, However, I suspect that it is actually safe :) ...

c# - Deserialize complex JSON object using ASP.NET? -

I have successfully created a code that serializes a complex javascript object and posts it on the ASP.Net page. I can get JSON string using Request.Form and results (I add indentation for readability) looks like this: { "gasterPerStolPerVecka": { "name": "gasterPerStolPerVecka", "keyValue_id": "2", "set_id": "1", "containerElement": "#gasterPerStolPerVecka", "keyValueComponents": [{ "name": "GasterPerStolPerVecka_guestsPerWeek", "value": "200" }, { "name": "GasterPerStolPerVecka_numberOfChairs", "value": "100"}], "keyValueUnitText": "Gaster / stol per Vecka", "KeyValueCalculationMethod": "division", "if": true, " results ": 2}," tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka ": {" name ":" tillgangligaStolstimmarPerVecka ",...

css - Century Gothic Font Usablility Question -

In the last few days, Ive asked some questions to solve my fonts problem. I was using several fuzzy fonts for my design I was using @ font-face, and if they were used then trying to find ways to create my backup fonts in changing family size Were. It has become very complicated, and I have decided to simplify things and use more popular fonts in my family. Font-family: Century Gothic, Ariel, Non-Serif; I have chosen to use Century Gothic as my primary font (which I thought was standard on most computers). After more testing, most browsers are using non-serif fonts in most computers. Here's the site: Some questions: 1- Is my site looking as a gothic or non-serif? 2- Is the specific Gothic Century specific to a specific OS? 3- Is there any improvement in CSS that can load the Centennial Gothic (possibly different file names / font names for different font names) Do I need it in quotes also? Sorry, and apologize for leaving its normal programming question. 1...

ASP.NET MVC : Response.Redirect(url, TRUE) does not stop request processing -

I have a way decorated with two custom Akshnfiltr Attribute [RequiresAuthentication ( order = 1)] [ToonAction (order = 2)] Public ActionResult browse (... RequiresAuthentication has been characterized RequiresAuthentication inside, it is OnActionExecuting I: filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Redirect (loginUrl, true); line is executed, and the logic is all expected. The problem is that the above line is set After Padit, I would execute the next feature (Akshnfiltrativet), such as redirect Q: to make the request handler else do I need to do P> This is a complete method: Public override zero on-one integration (Action Accepting Contact Filter Context) {// Redirect if not certified var identity = filterContext. HttpContext.User.Identity; If (! Identities .IsAuthenticated) using the current URL {// redirect string redirection Krenonsift = Filtrcontekst. HTTPPTXT request. Url.path endowy; // Bejen- URL to log on page String = Stringkformet ( "retur...

c++ - ICU Unicode Normal vs Fullwidth -

I'm new to Unicode and Unicode strings. I am trying to determine the difference between the "full width" symbol and a normal one. For example, take these two: General: Fullwidth: I have seen that full with U + 20A 9 and the coincidence of 20 A9 is normal, so what is the value of u? When a library like ICU is used, is there a way to always mention normal vs. completion? Thank you, U + number is an important conference for the Unicode code point . There is no 'value' for u. U + 0020, for example, is a place. The value in memory is 32 decimal, 20 hex. The full width character is the second complete story. Back in the 3270's, Hanzi raised two posts in memory, So they also got two columns on the screen. To make things neatly, IBM defines a set of numbers 'full-width' (better 'double-width') and numbers. If some ICU API is providing full width, then you can use generalized to get rid of it. You can also post a ticket in y...

shell - What is the korn typset option -t (tag) used for? -

I was reading about corn and added tags from the -t option but I Can I add a tag, I do not know what is used for it, does anyone have an example? -T Tag name tags are user defined and the shell has no special meaning. I also wonder, and found that it is useless, if you want P> Here they use it to define a set of variables.

C++ How to use and pass a 3-dimensional char array? -

I am trying to create a four array to store the return value of a function. The data in the following functions is stored in ***** Velava **. How to access data to create an extract variable? int credis_lrange (REDIS rhnd, const char * key, int start, int end, char *** valv) {int rc; If ((RC = CRD & FNDRESAV (R & D, CRMT, "LRANGE% s% d% d \ r \ n", key, start, end)) == 0 * {* valve = R & D-> GTM R.C. = R & B-> North. MultiBulle. Lan; } Return RC; } Solution: Four ** element; Int size = credis_lrange (it-> redis, "object_2", 600,603, and element); For (Int i = 0; I Thanks to all! four * ** element [size]; Actually does not have a 3D array, but the elements of char are not elements of pointers to pointers-to-pointers. is . Use one of the following: Four E [D1] [D2] [D3]; / * D1, D2, D3 integral constant * / four * E [D2] [D3]; Four E [] [D2] [D3]; In addition, you can pass it on the criteria of e as a log...

php - postgresql nextval question on sequences -

I am trying to work with PHP in postgresql 'nextval'. How do I fill in brackets in the third line to replace TXN_ID with the next row's value ('schemadb.audit_txn_seq')? $ DB-> Query ("SELECT nextval ('schemadb.audit_txn_seq')"); $ DB- & gt; Query ('set constraints all defrauded'); $ DB- & gt; Query ('SELECT schemadb.undo_transaction (TXN_ID)'); Thanks! You did not tell us that $ DB variable I think you Using PDO The question is "is the question of beginning" anyway to store the results of the query in PHP variables, and the answer is simply. SELECT xcolumn FX LIMIT 1 to If you want to get data values ​​from any query, then you always do the same By standard way: Get get Hope that helps.

objective c - Why [object doSomething] and not [*object doSomething]? -

उद्देश्य-सी में, क्यों [object doSomething] ? क्या यह नहीं होगा [* वस्तु doSomething] क्योंकि आप ऑब्जेक्ट पर एक विधि को बुला रहे हैं ?, जिसका मतलब है कि आपको पॉइन्डर को डीरेफर करना चाहिए? उत्तर उद्देश्य सी की सी जड़ों को वापस harkens उद्देश्य-सी मूल रूप से सी के लिए कंपाइलर प्री-प्रोसेसर के रूप में लिखे गए थे। यह है, उद्देश्य-सी इतना संकलित नहीं किया गया था क्योंकि इसे सीधे सी में बदल दिया गया था और फिर संकलित किया गया था। की परिभाषा के साथ शुरू करो प्रकार आईडी । इसे घोषित किया गया है: टाइपिंगफ़ाइल संरचना objc_object {class isa; } * आईडी; यही है, एक id एक संरचना के लिए एक सूचक है, जिसका पहला फ़ील्ड टाइप क्लास (जो, स्वयं, एक संरचना के लिए एक सूचक है जो कि कक्षा)। अब, NSObject पर विचार करें: @ इंटरफेस NSObject & lt; NSObject & gt; {कक्षा आईसा; } ध्यान दें कि NSObject का लेआउट और id द्वारा इंगित किए गए प्रकार का लेआउट समान हैं। इसका कारण यह है कि, वास्तव में, उद्देश्य-सी ऑब्जेक्ट का एक उदाहरण वास्तव में एक संरचना के लिए एक सूचक है, जिसका पहला फ़ी...

Rails - conditions for find -

@ लोग = person.find (: सभी,: conditions = & gt; ['parent_id =: parent_id', Params [: व्यक्ति]]) मैं जन्म तिथि के आधार पर आयु सीमा की स्थिति को भी एकीकृत करना चाहूंगा मैं इस मॉडल में शामिल हूं मैं कुछ ऐसा लिख ​​सकता हूं: def minimum_age_conditions ["people.birthdate & lt; =?", - minimum_age.years] जब तक minimum_age.blank? अंत डीईएफ़ अधिकतम_जगंडियां ["लोग। जन्म तिथि" =? ", दिनांक। कल - (अधिकतम_एज + 1)। साल] अधिकतम जब तक अधिकतम ब्लॉक नहीं? अंत तो मैं मॉडल में इन विधियों में नियंत्रक शर्तों को कैसे जोड़ सकता हूं? या क्या इन सभी जगहों को खोजने के कुछ हिस्सों में रखना बेहतर है? एक नामित क्षेत्र बनाएं अपने मॉडल और अपने सभी तर्क वहाँ डाल दिया फिर वापस नियंत्रक में, आप बस करते हैं: @ लोग = व्यक्तित्व। My_scope

sqlite - How to create a new datebase(named xx.db) using python and sqlite3 -

आयात करें sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect (r "डी: \ aaa.db") क्या यह स्वचालित रूप से डीबी फ़ाइल बनाने का एक तरीका है यदि यह पहले से मौजूद नहीं है, जब मैं इसे कनेक्ट करता हूं? धन्यवाद आप जो कोड देते हैं करता है 'डी: \\ aaa.db' यदि यह नहीं है मौजूद है।

SQL Server 2008 - Default column value - should i use null or empty string? -

For some time I am arguing if I should leave the column which I do not know will pass the data and set The value for the empty string will be ('') or just allow zero. I want to hear what is the recommended practice here. If it makes a difference, then I am using it as a consumer application. I'm scared that ... It depends! There is no single answer to this question. As a sign in other reactions, at the level of SQL , NULL and very different words in the empty string , formerly indicating it That value is unknown, later it shows that the value is "invisible thing" (in display and report), but no "known value" is less. An example given in this context is the middle name. A zero value in the "middle_name" column will indicate that we do not know whether the name is or not between the underlying person, and if so what is this name, an empty string will indicate that we know that this person No is a middle name. This said, t...

networking - How to send DSCP-marked packets using iperf? -

How to send a mapped packet using iperf? I did not find the option in 1.7.0 version on Windows What are the new versions of iPi for Windows? To run an app with '-S' option: iperf -c -i 1 -U-5000K-R-S 0xB8 You can get your torse price here:

php - Identifying Specific Characters from Text Input -

original title : To read and count only the events of limited characters For A, G, C, T, the input text exists in the file, for example, drag a thin vertical rectangular barcode picture using only 100 and GD of 500 and it only Specify the first 10 characters and draw the barcode image instead of the specified 100 characters I guess you do not think so much in the first 10 letters, but when the point is T is found then, the wrong place snippet depicting this image. The loop can continue up to 100, possibly producing some more images (with each new T), but I do not know the PHP behavior in such cases because some HTTP responses are easily written ... Alternatively you can see the last of these images at any rate, by setting the wrong location header ("content-type: image / PNG "); Imagepng ($ img); Imagedestroy ($ img); Things should start looking more as expected.

delphi - How to store a set in a TStringList Object? -

I am trying to store a set within the object property (and read it) a TStringList (I use it I will also do it) to archive the text related to the set) but I get invalid typecast for the set What is the best way to store a set inside a stringlist object? Also, do you need to free this object while destroying the stringlist? Here are some example codes: Type TDummy = (dOne, dTwo, dThree); TDummySet = Set of TDummy; Var Dummet: T-Dummy Set; SL: TStringList; Start SL: = TStringList.Create; Try DummySet: = [done, dThree]; SL.AddObject ('some string', toobject (dummet)); // does not work Invalid typed end SL.Free; End; End; Read the other answers - you probably will get a low solution. But FTR: You can write SL.AddObject ('some string', tubact (byte (dummet)); and Dummet: = Tidmisset (byte (SL Object [0])); If you really want to. Note: You must change the keyword byte if you add enough element to the TDummySet type. For example, if you add...

wpf - Fire a template child event in current context? -

Whether the current context (eg page, window, user control, etc.) is to fire the scene of a data template with an event. ). For example, I have a Datamapplet that has a button or a listbox. I think that when the button is clicked or the listboxes are there. If the SelectionBank list is removed in the box, the event handler should be declared on the page, in which the control control that uses this datatymeet. Any thoughts?

.net - Managing resources via compilation flags -

Any ideas how can I do this? Now days it is the resources Designer.vb We have the following lines there: More ReadOnly property ResourceManager () Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager go Object.ReferenceEquals (resourceMan, for nothing) then as #if WizardVersion then dim temporary Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = new Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager ( "Wizard. Resources ", GetType (resource) .Assembly) #ElseIf CalculatorVersion then dim temporarily Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = new Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager (" Calculator.Resources ", GetType (resource) .Assembly) #ElseIf ViewerVersion Then slow Temporary Global.System.Resources.ResourceManager = Ger ( "viewer as new GlobalkSystemkResourceskResourceMana. Resources", GetType (resources). Assembly) # If Snsadnman = temporary cessation that returns Snsadnman End End End End Property That file is reproduced every time through the compiler, so every time...

html - IE fails to load CSS file -

I have a problem with the site: - IE fails to load When I use HTTP headers I do not see any request for this file, does not help in changing file names and / or paths - any ideas? & lt; Meta name = "description" ... tag, in the content attribute, there are 2 quotes ("). Remove them or avoid them ( & amp; quot; ) And it should be OK.

Excel get_Range missing when interop assembly is embedded in .NET 4.0 -

I create a assembly referencing a COM interop DLL. If I embed the embed interp type type COM interop types to correct in the properties of reference (VS2010), an error occurs at run-time when there is no definition for "Get_Range in the object" if the COM interop If the type is not embedded then there is no error. Does anyone know why a particular method should eliminate worksheet.get_range or how it should work around or any other relevant insights? I should be grateful for any help. In Interop DLL, there is a reference to the worksheet.get_range (object, [object]). There is no mention of get_range under the worksheet using the reflector on my calling assembly. Interop assembly I am embedding is generated from Excel9.olb. I am not using PIA because the application targets many Excel versions. I have not removed it myself yet, but I believe that C # 4.0 Under the embedded COM interop types the syntax has changed for a more "C # friendly" syntax. The...

Alternative to mediawiki with hierarchy, access control, and better ease-of-use? -

Is anyone aware of the options of MediaWiki? Especially I am looking for the underlying features of granular access control, can navigate a hierarchy of pages, and can be used more easily than mediawiki. OK, there it is very good, and this is my choice wiki This granular access control It is supposed to be provided; I have never really worked with it, though, and my perception is that it is not great (I may be wrong, though, I have not actually investigated it). The construction hierarchy of pages is easy, although using the plugin, and also showing a navigation structure. The setup of a fresh DokuWiki takes me a little over time, but everyday work is very easy and simple. I do not know MediaWiki well, so I can not compare, but if you are a wiki , Dokuwai definitely has something to look for. There, too, a comprehensive comparison of a large number of wikis, coincidentally created and run by DokuWiki's author.

sql server - Replacing a specific substring with another substring in a string in SQL stored procedure -

I have the following requirements: I passed a command parameter @ myststring near 'ABC DEF' as a stored procedure I am here. In the stored procedure level, I need to replace the object DEF with XYZ to get string 'ABC XYZ'. How can I do this? Thanks NLV Simply use the function within T-SQL declare @myOriginalString varchar (50) set @myOriginalString = 'ABC DEF' declared @myfindstring varchar (50) @myfindstring set @def declare 'my REPrestrestre varchar (50) set @myreplaceString = Select 'XYZ' (@ myOriginalString, @ myFindString, @MyReplaceString)

Adding directories to resources folders in Android -

If I have a large project with many resources, is there any way to use them? I'm tired of adding directories to the directory / but this does not work. Unfortunately, no. You can not subdirectories inside a resource directory. Pardon!

algorithm - How can I correlate pageviews with memory spikes? -

I am having some memory problems with an application, but in reality it is difficult to find out where it is. I have two sets of data: Pageviews The page was requested At that time The page was requested Memory usage The amount of memory being used The time of use of this memory is recorded I would like to see which pageviews are related to high memory usage, I guess I want to determine which page Rtdrishy has been correlated with increased memory usage, I'm a t-test of some sort. However, I am somewhat uncertain about what kind of T-test to go with. Can someone tell me in the right direction? I suggest creating a dataset with two columns. Firstly the highest memory distribution will be the ratio of each page to display, and the second will be the ratio of those (similar) pages to the remaining values ​​of memory distribution. Then you will have to check for a couple that the average difference (high-rest) of the difference is less or equal to zero ... - How can i increase speed for loading of google maps embeded on site? -

Is there a JavaScript or other method that can reduce the loading time of Google Maps? Google Maps is connected by the iframe code. Update: 12Feb 2010 What any jQuery plugin can be useful to me? You can use something like this:

How do I map nested generics in NHibernate -

NHibernate में आप इस तरह जेनेरिक नक्शा कर सकते हैं & lt; class name = "units पैरामीटर `1 [System.Int32], इकाइयों" तालिका = "पैरामीटर_आईमेंट" & gt; & Lt; / वर्ग & gt; लेकिन मैं इस तरह एक क्लास कैसे मैप कर सकता हूँ? सेट & lt; T & gt; जहां टी एक पैरामीटर है & lt; int & gt; जैसे कि सेट & lt; पैरामीटर & lt; int & gt; & gt; मेरा मैपिंग एचबीएम.एक्सएम इस तरह दिख रहा है & lt; class name = "सेट` 1 [[यूनिट्स। पैरामीटर` 1 [System.Int32 ], इकाइयों]], इकाइयों "तालिका =" सेट करने योग्य "/ & gt; मैंने बहुत ही स्पष्ट रूप से अपना अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए मेरे मैपिंग को सरल बनाया। असल में मैं NHibernate को जेनेरिक क्लास को मैप करना चाहता हूं जिसमें सामान्य प्रकार पैरामीटर है मैं आसपास googling से समझना चाहता हूँ कि NHibernate TypeNameParser.Parse () में सही प्रकार के नाम को पार्स करने में सक्षम नहीं है, जो कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के लिए मैपिंग जोड़ते समय निम्न त्रुटि का कारण बनता है System.Argum...

IronRuby - how to require .NET assemblies without strong name? -

Conversations on ironRuby help website, such as some well-known assemblies like System.Windows.Forms are required The entire ' ah-aa-on-de-deemem-a-break-can-be-you-be-serious-can not be . The document says: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; "System.Windows.Forms" = & gt; True But when I try the same 'requirement', then I get it: gt; & Gt; Requires "System.Windows.Forms" IronRuby.Libraries: 0: in 'Need': to load such a file - from System.Windows.Forms (LoadError): 0: In 'Start ## 1' What can I do wrong? Could this be a setup problem? I do not see this "Libish Directory on Load Path" which is described in the documentation. Is the documentation wrong? Thank you. The way it works, IronRuby people wrote a bunch of wrapper scripts. Install your iron path & gt; Look in \ lib \ ironruby and you will see system.Windows Forms.rb , System.Drawing.rb etc. What happens when you need the 'System...

html - Table...aligning cells and input boxes -

I type & lt; Form & gt; I am creating 1 out of 3 nested tables within the tag. I put the input field to create a text box on the right side of the text All this is my only problem that the following cells are: "First name, last name, address, city, state, zip code, and county" are not directly subject to one another, such as keeping the cells together and combining text boxes I How do I align the section? I hope I am explaining this well if you do not ask for further explanation. Any help on this small problem would be greatly appreciated. So far my code is, so you can see what I did: & Lt; Width of table = "500" range = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td align = "center" & gt; & Lt; A href = "about.htm" & gt; About us & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td align = "center" & gt; & Lt; A href = "mailto:" & gt; C...

actionscript 3 - How do I ignore a Flash component's ADDED_TO_STAGE event during authoring time? -

I created a UIComponent in AS3. When I drag it to the stage during authoring time, the event ADDED_TO_STAGE starts to fire. I have an event handler, but this is actually to act on the runtime only, when I'm leaving the component on the platform to design the layout. Is there a way to see if the component "is running" in "SDF"? Actually, I do not want ADDED_TO_STAGE to do anything on the event handler design time. The CS3 component checks the following types: Secure function Check live preview (): Boolean {if (parent == faucet) {return false; } Var className: string; Try {className = getQualifiedClassName (parent); } Hold (e: error) {} return (classname == "fl.livepreview :: LivePreviewParent"); } You should allow it to apply a different behavior by checking it in your ADDED_TO_STAGE handler.

iphone - Evenly aligning things in IB -

I have ten labels on a scene, I need them to have the same space. Does IB have any kind of settings Who can do this? If you select individual labels and drag them to the scene, then some guides around the interface "Snap" should be. If you pull an element close to another element then it should stretch to about 8 pixels, and this is the standard difference between the elements on the iPhone. If you want more precise control, you can select an element to move the arrow keys around a pixel at a time. You can also use horizontally / vertical alignment in the container menu item from the layout menu.

Is it Possible to achieve Multiple Inheritence in ruby? -

I doubt whether we can get multiple heritage using the 'module' concept, or do any other keywords or What is the concept that many herbs receive in Ruby? Ruby composite structure supports a class only from a superclass But it can mix in many modules. It is not strictly speaking, sharing of behavior at least in different classes.

dojo - How to enable the browser context menu in dojox.grid.DataGrid? -

I am a dojo.grid. I'm trying to get the Browser context menu to work inside the DataGrid. When I right-click on the grid, nothing happens, I tried to override the cellcontext menu, onRowContextMenu, doContextMenu, and oncontextmenu with a blank function on the grid instance, but it was not working. The method is called right-click on the CellTontax menu, but it still does not show reference menu. I think the event is being stopped at the second level, but I'm not sure where to see me. The grid has a list of links, and I want the users to be able to right click on the link so they can open them in a new tab I know that I have to provide that functionality I can create a custom context menu for, but I would like to know how to disable this behavior in the future. I know that this may be a bit late, but I went to the same exact problem and By studying a solo code and needing to create a custom grid widget in the Dojo community chat solution, which contains the following...

xml - Browser rendering XSLT vs PHP rendering XSLT -

I use XML and XSLT in my current project and I would like to know if it is good to present the browser in XML HTML's with stylesheets instead of using something like PHP's XSLT processor. One of the main reasons that the API uses XSLT processors allows API to access my XML data in the near future. So I want the conversion side of the client, so my XML is still available. I may be wrong about the PHP XSLT processor, but when an XML is processed via PHP, then the received data in the render XML (my case HTML) and XML data is no longer available. Is it true? Thank you for cleansing things. It all depends what your ultimate goal is, I work on an application that reports Prepares us as XML and we send XML and XSLT in the browser to process. There are a few reasons for this approach: As you've mentioned before, you can proceed further on the client The HTML is verbose sufficiently and If you have control over specifying your XML you can ensure that it is not a...

python - Need help using M2Crypto.Engine to access USB Token -

I am using M2Crypto-0.20.2. I want to use xmlrpc calls on SML to create tokens based authentication from the Allen PKI client for the Openc project and engine. Import Engine Engine.load_dynamic (from M2Crypto) dynamic = Engine.Engine ( 'Dynamic') # OpenSC project dynamic.ctrl_cmd_string ( "SO_PATH", "/ usr / local / ssl / lib load engine_pkcs from /engines/ ") to Enginekcleanup () load Engine.load_dynamic () # Aladdin or PKI client Aladdin = Injinkinjin (" dynamic ") Aladdin. Sitiarel_ Simdi_string ( "SO_PATH", "/ url / lib / Elaibiteepikesi Ll.aso") key = Aladinklod_praivet_ki ( "PIN", "password") It is I get an error: key = pkcs.load_private_key ( "PIN", "eT0ken") file "/usr/local/lib/python2.4/ Site-packages / M2Crypto /", line 70 , self._engine_load_key in load_private_key return (m2.engine_load_private_key, name, zip) file "/usr/lo...