api - PayPal MassPay and AddressVerify: Which SDK do I use? -
I am getting some conflicting information from PayPal. Today I have spent 2 hours on the phone, and posted my questions on my forum, and I have not got the same solution. That's why I am changing this because people actually know what they are doing.
I am trying to add AddressVerify and MassPay API to my website. We are currently using Payflow Pro (Direct Payment, etc.), with no problem, our PayPal Manager uses Seller credentials for authentication through login, password and HTTPS interface. All this has been written in PHP using NPP.
However, when I try to add an addressworthy and / or mesepay API using the HTTPS interface, all I get is a PNREF and an error, "Invalid Tender."
On the forum, I see everyone as a login address in the form of an email address, and a certificate key of some sort. I told PayPal today how to get that information, and the developer said that I do not use login with key and I am using the wrong SDK. They told me where God guide should be obtained and instead I should use it.
However, only God Guide has told what we are already using, and I did not have to sit on the phone for another hour and 40 minutes.
So my question is:
I just missing some , or did I get some bad information? I'm guessing that this is the latter, because no one knew about Jack.
Am I right to assume what code should I use? If so, how can I get a signature key and maybe a new login & amp; password?
If God is right with Pele and I should use the HTTPS interface, how do I use it? Because as I said above, I am meeting with them, a PNREF and an error message is saying, "Invalid Tender".
If anyone had any experience with this and / or some suggestions about working this stupid thing, I would have always been great!
Thanks in advance!
If anyone is interested in knowing, then I am from devs in PayPal Received a response:
If you are using Payflow then you should use Payflow Pro SDK, that requires the user, vendor, partner and password that were passed. Are there. This will also return the PNREF number. If you want to use Website Payment Pro, your SDK will either have an API user name, API password, API signature, or API username, API password and API certificate. Address Verify API is an API that is not available for website Payment Pro / PayPal accounts. You can find out all the SDKs for both services here. Payflows are the lower part of SDK's page.
So obviously, MassPay and Address Verification is part of Web Payment Pro, which uses a different SDK than Payflow Pro. And for this, you need to get a different user name, password, and certificate or key. Payflow Pro credentials will not work with it.
I hope someone else can benefit from my worthless time!
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