ios - Dynamic buttons of UIActionSheet -

To connect to Facebook for my app, using Facebook Connect to share something with Facebook from my app. I am here. I use the UIACtion sheet I want to change the title of the log and logout button. This means that users log on to my button title change in "login" in Facebook and when the user changes logout headline in "login"

  - (zero) session: (FBSession *) session didLogin: (FBUID) uid {// Change the title to log out} - (zero) sessionDidLogout: (FBSession *) session {// change title log}}  
< / Div>

You must declare in your init or viewDidLoad function then enter the value to login T

Login function changed in your session

to log out

Similarly do the same for sessioniDidLogout


Returns the title of the given index on the button.

  • (NSString *) ButtonTitleAtoundX: (NSITEGER) Button index parameter

button index

  index button. The button index starts at 0.  

Return value

The title of the button specified by the index button index.

Don`t forget to leave your Uiation sheet in your DALOK function, because you will be doing [alloc] init or see the diode function.


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