sql - insert a picture into database(sqlite) with java code. what should i do? -
In the sqlite database, I set a field type blob. Then, I have written the Java code:
include prestmt = con.prepareStatement ("zz (pic) values in the prepared place (?)"); PreStmt.setBinaryStream (1, New FileInputStream (file), file.length ());
I got an exception:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: org.sqlite.PrepStmt.setBinaryStream (ILjava / IO / InputStream; J) V < / Code>
Any suggestions?
Or, what code should I write if I want to save the binary number in sqlite?
Zerial SQLite JDBC implementation has been prepared. State bits (index), byte []). You should be able to get a byte array from your file intstream using the code on the following file:
When things are stored as blops, beware of the following issues:
I hope it helps.
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