tsql - problem with IN and LIKE in SQL when arguments contain special characters for a language -

I've got a key word table (MS SQL):

  • Keygide qualifier primary that
  • DA7E4E27-FDE5-4D43-A365-8A789164A816 tit kirkäna
  • EED58875-FE41-4A18-A93C-A44AA62CEEEE htit kirkänbh
  • A0EB795E-EE23-4990- BAB9 -897C93C70CE3 hit Kirknah
  • F7F4632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E step Kerknab
  • C0EB795E-EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70CE3 called Kirkns
  • E2F4632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E nam kirkänbs
  • A222795E-EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70CE3 tit kirkacb
  • B333632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E Tit kirkaca
  • 1222795E-EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70C81 htit kirkacbh
  • E533632B-AC82-4DEB-B966- BBA8EF4D2C82 htit kirkacah

This simple query returns all the relevant records correctly:

Select * From the key word where 'kirkan%' like ' Code>
  • DA7 A4E27-FDI-4 4D 43-A365-8A 789164A 816 Title Ridness
  • EED58875-FE41-4A18-A 9 3 C A44AA62 Siiiii HIT Kirkgb
  • A0EB795E-EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70CE3 Hate Kirknah
  • F7F4632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E step Krkanb
  • C0EB795E- EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70CE3 nam kirkänas
  • E2F4632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E nam kirkänbs

    I specific match To limit resutls, use such a query qualifier:

    Choose from key word * where qualifier in ('tit', 'hat') and primitive 'kirak%' < / Code>

    which works perfectly:

    • A222795E-EE23-4990-BAB9-897C93C70CE3 tit kirkacb
    • B333632B-AC82- 4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E tit kirkaca
    • 1222795E-EE23- 4990-BAB9-897C93C70C81 htit kirkacbh
    • E533632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C82 htit kirkacah

    But when the phrase does not return it is a special character result:

    And with that it is not that the 'qualifier in' ('tit', 'hat') qualifiers in the keyword like this:

      select * from the keyword where (Qualifier = 'tita' or 'qualify' = 'htit') and 'kirkän%' like PrimitiveKey;  

    However it works like this:

    * Select * Where (like 'tit' or qualifier 'hat') like PrimitiveKey 'kirkän%' (qualifier like 'tit' or 'qualifier')
    • DA7E4E27-FDE5-4D43-A365-8A789164A816 tit kirkäna
    • EED58875-FE41-4A18-A93C-A44AA62CEEEE htit kirk nbh
    • A0EB795E-EE23-4990-BAB9 -897C93C70CE3 htit kirkänah
    • F7F4632B-AC82-4DEB-B966-BBA8EF4D2C9E tit kirkänb

    What What's wrong with the approach?

After "text" itemprop = "text">

Maybe you need to use Unicode compatible datatypes. Try declaring PrimitiveKey column as nvarchar, try by putting the string you want to match with an 'N' like this: Selection * from the keyword (like the qualifier 'htit' like 'tit' or the qualifier) ​​and like the PrimitiveKey% N'kirkän% '.


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