
Showing posts from August, 2013

ruby on rails - Include two inputs in same LI element in Formtastic -

Using the formattic, I have a volume field and unit field that is measured in the amount of items and the unit that is measured in it. My problem is that I would like to display the unit box with the volume box. However, because it's structural past in every input element in its own element, I can not appear next to each other. Any thoughts? Use an html wrapper for your volume and unit fields: & lt;% = form.input: Quantity: wrapper_html = & gt; {: Class = & gt; 'Fl'}%> & Lt;% = form.input: unit ,: wrapper_html = & gt; {: Class = & gt; 'Fl'}%> And to float a CSS float property li in my CSS (probably formtastic-changes.css), I used to give some cells to breathe unit labels to some extent Added correct margins: form.formtastic fieldet ol li.fl {float: left; Margin-right: 2 AM;} You must have specific classes or IDs for wrapper_html and Bella with CSS to get your layout. / P>

javascript - A simple If...else block. Why is it doing nothing? -

& lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Var x = 5; Var y = 8; यदि (x & lt; 6) {document.write ("वे समान हैं"); } और {document.write {"वे समान नहीं हैं"); } & Lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मुझे लगता है कि आपके पास एक वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि है: दस्तावेज़.लिखित {"वे बराबर नहीं हैं"); होना चाहिए document.write ("वे समान नहीं हैं");

javascript - How would MVC-like code work in Node.js? -

I'm starting to get my head around node.js, and I'm trying to figure out that How do I generalize the MVC stuff for example, here is a Django view that draws two sets of records from the database, and sends them to provide them in a template. def view (requested): things1 = ThingsOne.objects.all () things2 = ThingsTwo.objects.all () render_to_response ('template.html, {' items1 ': Things 1, Things 2 ': Things2}) The same node.What does the JS function look like? is a great small article, in which there is a full example of a MVC pattern, which is used by the Defratch Node Module does. It lists the optional modules currently available, it has answered this question to me, compared to which there are some good things but I did not find anything at MVC.

display jQuery prettyPhoto lightbox in parent window from iframe -

I know that this issue has been discussed earlier but I can not seem to work for it. I have a master HTML page with IFrame. I am using jquery prettyphoto and I was wondering how can I display the light box in the original box when I click on the link in the iframe? Master page: & Lt; Title & gt; Master page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Iframe src = "iframe.html" width = "300" height = "300px" frameborder = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Iframe page: & Lt; Title & gt; Iframe & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" media = "screen" & gt; @import url ("property / css / infotech-iframes.css"); @ Import URL ("Asset / CSS / Infotech-Popup CSS"); & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Script src = "property / js / jquer...

objective c - NSDateFormatter and date conversion not working -

I am developing an app for the iPhone where I get an XML feed from a date in just one HH: mm format Need to change. I have the following method that does not work and I have no clue what I am doing. As an example, the timing string will be: " Mon, 01 Feb 2010 21:55:00 +0100 " (without quotation marks) This method works when the area is in the U.S. (I get the correct date back), but not when I change the area (settings-> General-> International) in Spain, or in other areas (in that case I do not get back). - (id) timeContentHHM: (NSString *) Time to Convert {NSString * newPubDate = timeToConvert; // Remove any garbage from IA code Newboot = [newPubDate stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] ;; // Extractor format and format to convert XML string into an NSDate NSDateFormatter * originalDateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] AutoCurlus; [Original Dataform Setad Format: @ "EE, DMM Mi Yyyy H: mm: SS Z...

c# - How is.NET's NetworkStream delimiting multiple messages in the same packet? -

So I have been entrusted with the task of creating a tool for our QA department which can read the packet from the wire and Can rejoin correctly (they do not rely on our logs ... long story). The NCT's TCPLstner and TCP Client Classes are being used to communicate the application I want to communicate. Stopped the packet is not a problem (I'm using). However, adding correctly packet to application level messages is proving to be a bit trickier. In some packets there is a message ending and the next message begins and they tell me how 'networkstream object' in NTT tells us where an application level message ends and the other starts. I have been successful in determining whether the TCP header "PSH" (push) flag will be turned on in an application level message in any packet. But I do not know how .NET knows what's inside that packet at the end of the message. The data of a packet can look like this: / & lt; Message & gt; & Lt; M...

SQL Server 2005 Unique constraint on two columns -

How can you add a unique barrier to SQL Server 2005 in two columns? So I can say that I have: PK, A, B ... x1 1 x x2 1 2 x3 2 1 x4 2 2 Should not I be able to add another line 'x5' and do the values ​​for A and B be 1 because they are already in the database in X1? Okay, we managed to work it out and thank you, God. Go to the Table view, select two columns, right-click and select 'Indexes / keys' - General tab, select the columns you want to make unique and then set 'Unique' to the right. This table is using the designer. Thank you. In SQL Server, use the unique barrier is actually implemented as a unique index : create unique indexes & lt; Uix_name & gt; On & lt; Table_name & gt; (& Lt; col_A & gt;, & lt; col_B & gt;) For more information, see.

sql server - Pass back original SQL operation row count, after trigger? -

I have a piece of inheritance VB6 code that is inserting data into the SQL Server 2000 database table. The code uses the returned row count for different purposes. We recently placed a trigger on a table, which calls a stored procedure to update any other table. Now it appears that the VB6 code is raising the line count returned from the triggered process rather than the original operation. Anyway to ensure that the proper line count has been returned? Can we "pass" the original line count through the trigger? Turn on in triggers.

c# - Waiting for either of these BackgroundWorker to complete -

There is a sequence for the farm (some UI) should download using the service Currently, this download is in the background worker thread is. Now, since the performance is slow ... we decided to form categories in 2 and started parallel by using another background player on the current thread. Now, the scenario should be either of this backgroundworker to wait for others to complete, then how to implement it. I tried with an AutoSetset I do not think that the scenario actually Is that a backgroundworker should wait for another. Do you really want to complete completely after some UI event (and after) This is a subtle but important difference; The second version is very easy to code. Public category Form 1: Form {Private object download 1 result; Private Object Downloads 2 Results; Private Zero BeginDownload () {// The next two rows are only required if it is downloaded multiple times 1 Result = Faucet; Download 2 results = Faucet; BwDownload1.RunWorkerAsync (); BwDownl...

python - what is 'comments' mean in this code -

{% load comments%} जहां परिभाषित 'टिप्पणियां' एक दर्शक? या टेम्पलेट ?? धन्यवाद यह एक टेम्पलेट टैग पुस्तकालय है उदाहरण के लिए: {% load cache%} लोड करता है। कस्टम टैग को परिभाषित और आपके प्रोजेक्ट में रखा जा सकता है परिभाषित के रूप में संरचना।

Scale WebView in Cocoa -

मैं एक WebView की सामग्री को कैसे स्केल कर सकता / सकती हूं? आपको व्यक्तिगत फ्रेम के दस्तावेज़ दृश्य पर -scaleUnitSquareToSize: कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है, जिसे आप रीसाइज़ करना चाहते हैं, उदाहरण के लिए मुख्य फ्रेम: [[[[वेबव्यू फ़्रीम] फ्रेमव्यू] दस्तावेज़ी दृश्य] स्केल यूनिट स्क्वायरटॉइस साइज़: एनएसएमकेसिज़ (1.5, 1.5)]; [[[[वेबव्यू माइफफ्रेम] फ्रेमव्यू] दस्तावेज़ी दृश्य] सेटनईड्स डिस्प्ले: हाँ];

c++ - Select mutex or dummy mutex at runtime -

I have a class that has been shared between several projects, some of its uses are single-threaded and some are multi-pronged - Threaded single threaded users do not want the overhead of the Mute X locking, and multi-threaded users do not want to lock them and alternatively they want to be able to run in "single-threaded mode". So I would like to be able to choose between real and "dummy" mutates on runtime. Ideally, I have a shared_ptr and either a real or fake mute x object then I'll "lock" it, even then what's in it. unique_lock & lt; Something & gt; Guard (* mutex); ... key segment ... is now a signals2 :: dummy_mutex but it does not share a common base class with boost :: Does Mutex So, what is a great way to choose between real mutes and a dummy mutux (either in signal 2 or something else)? And, before choosing options: I can select an implementation on timing compilation, but preprocessor macros are poor and ...

cocoa - Getting URL From beginSheetModalForWindow: -

I'm using OpenPanel to get a file path URL. It works: [OpenLocalSteelSteelModelForvindo: The Windworkment Handler: ^ (NSINTER Return Code) {NSWRL * Pathtoophile = zero; If (returnCode == NSOKButton) pathToFile = [[Open URL] ObjectAntIndex: 0]; }]; It is not so, that resulted in the assignment of 'read-only variable': NSURL * pathToFile = noil; [OPENEL start-startModelForvondo: Windows endowmentaler: ^ (NSiEater return code) {if (returncode == NSOK button) pathfile = [[Open URL] ObjectAntindex: 0]; }]; Return path tofile; In general, any attempt to remove the path tofile from the context of Openech has failed. This is not such a big deal for small situations, but as my code grows, I am forced to give everything stuff - XML ​​parsing, core data, etc. - inside an inappropriate area. Thanks Not only this, The variable 'to read is in the assignment error: NSURL * pathToFile = zero; [OPENEL start-startModelForvondo: Windows endowmentaler: ^ (NSiEat...

visual studio 2008 - Exception on try? -

I have this problem that I really can not understand. I am getting information from a webclient that behaves incorrectly and gives empty response. This is another issue that I hope to solve as soon as possible, but the real problem is low. Here's my code: Private Zero Client_on Published (Object Sender, Opener Integrated Event ARGS E) {If (e.Error! = Null) {// .} Stream STM; Try {stm = e.Result; } Hold (Exception Pre) {// Debug Output Return; } WebClient Sender WC = (WebClient) Sender; Data Contracting Serializer Service = New Data ContrastJason Serializer (Typf (Mapdata)); What I try, is an exception on the try block. That is, the debugger stops with an arrow pointing to the vacancy, and underlines the opening braces. Why is it like this? View the shot: It looks like a debugger if you have the source shown If the file does not match PDB, then you find the strangeity that still happened after full clean and reconstruction?

java - Internationalization in a website -

मैं ResourceBundle विधि getBundle (Propertyfilename, Local.languagename) वर्ग का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ जो स्थानीय rb = ResourceBundle.get बंडल ("लोकेल स्ट्रिंग्स", लोकेल। एआरएबीएसी); - समर्थित नहीं है अरबी, बैंड अंग्रेजी का समर्थन करने के लिए मैं इसका उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूं। सबसे पहले, वास्तव में लोकेल .ARABIC स्थिर नहीं है लेकिन यह आपको कोड कोड को लेकर लोकेल कन्स्ट्रक्टर का प्रयोग करके खुद को परिभाषित करने से रोक नहीं सकता: सार्वजनिक स्थिर अंतिम लोकेल अरबीक = नया लोकेल ("एआर") ; दूसरा, गुण फ़ाइलें ResourceBundle के अंतर्गत हैं InputStream के रूप में ISO-8859-1 एन्कोडिंग इसलिए आपको वास्तव में दो अलग-अलग प्रॉपर्टी फ़ाइलों की ज़रूरत होगी, इनमें से एक UTF-8 एन्कोडिंग जो आप मूल्यों को बनाए रखने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं (जैसे ) और अन्य में ISO-8859-1 एन्कोडिंग (जैसे ) जो आप जावा अनुप्रयोग को प्रदान करने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं। UTF-8 फ़ाइल से ISO-8859-1 फ़ाइल से रूपांतरित करने के लिए आप native2asci ...

Writing functional specifications for games -

I have been reading Joel recently on software and so I have been sold before development too. I am going to go on making a simple 2D game (very easy brain), and I can actually see the benefits - in the past I have jumped in writing extremely Simple game and I found myself trapped or rewritten in the same bit, because I suddenly know how my level should be defined, or I know I want to be able to jump But that means my Rao detection completely re: thinking. However, I have started coming up with a functional specification, but I am struggling a bit - I can see and understand it, but I actually did not actually write many functional specifications And so I do not know exactly how to start, the examples I found on the internet, they are very good, but they are mostly process-based (presenting user form A Es, B to format) etc ... which really does not apply much to the structure of a game. Do anyone have any advice / example how to write / write structures for the game? It is...

How to use a class derived from a .NET class such as TableLayoutPanel on a form -

This is a basic question, I'm sure many of you will be able to answer and will not only apply to TableLayoutPanel , But also for all other .NET controls. I have created a new class which is derived from TableLayoutPanel and I have used this derivation on the form. I want to use instead of the NET version. I am hoping to be able to use drag and drop because all the other controls in one tool box will be. However, I'm not sure how to do this; I am also guessing that for the divided classes, this drag and drop can not be made in the designer on the form; And should be done only in the code I'm not sure about this and since this is my first one. NET form application, I have no experience coming back. Public class CustomTableLayoutPanel: TableLayoutPanel {} This control that hosts this control (not directly) implemented in a form called MainForm I think I can go to the deigner.cs (MainForm.Designer.cs) file and change the member variable to a .NET type instead of my c...

windows - CruiseControl.NET Service / Subversion - Unable to connect to remote repository -

As a long time on the SO, I cruise control. NAT, I am making a round of questions with a difficult topic about subversion. , And a remote store. Here's the problem: Using Apache 2.2.14 as a gateway to enable port 80 and 443 access, take a remote Subversion 1.6.6 repository running on remote server - We redirect the port to secure unencrypted traffic, and we have a well-configured SSL layer running with a self-signed certificate. All this works - I can point out a browser from my local machine (XP SP2 or Server 2008 SP2) in this repository, without certification verification, can painlessly certify against the repository ACL and I can see the stuff there. Equally, SVN commands that work on my local machine (either on the commandline or through TortoiseSVN) work. Now cruise control on. Add - Running with a simple script for a moment on my local machine Drag some source code from the remote repository, and build a very basic application This script works perfectly against...

Flowplayer: Clicking on the player forces is to reload -

I have found this very annoying bug (or wrong setting) that whenever the player is clicked, Does. When you click, it is decided to play, so when you click it, it reloads. Circle starts .... In Firefox, only after loading it Safari (and I believe in Chrome), the video opens in its window. Not ideal, but it still plays. Here is the code for the player: (I can not share the link unfortunately, NDA etc. etc.) flashembed ("player "," /flowplayer.commercial-3.0.7.swf ", {config: {key: '# xxxxxx', clip: {autoplay: wrong, auto-barring: true, url:" http: // myvid .com / url.mp4 ", wmode: 'opaque'}}}); This site is full genius, I hope one of you help me! The fact that Firefox 3.6 works as expected for Windows and Firefox 3.5.7 It's a Mac / Firefox problem suggestion for. Try comparing the output produced between different versions and see if you

caching - Is Cache Substitution working in ASP.NET MVC 2? -

Stop working from ASP.NET MVC 1 after updating an application from ASP.NET MVC 2 RC cache replacement has given. This is my job: [output cache (duration = 30, verrybeparam = "none")) Public Tasks CacheTest 1 () {Return Scene (" "); } This option is option: public static object object (this HTML helper HTML, MVCcopybackback CB) {html.ViewContext.HttpContext.Response.WriteSubstitution (C => CB (new HTTP contact using (C)); Return tap; } And this is my view: & lt;% @ page language = "c #" inheritance = "system web.mvc viewpage" % & Gt; & Lt ;; DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Head runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; CacheTest & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; B...

cocoa touch - iPhone UISlider with two thumbs/indicators? -

Is anyone aware of the version of iPhone UISlider control with two thumbs? I need to control which will allow a range of values ​​to be specified. It would be impossible with UISLider API docs that it is not possible with standard controls, so I was thinking that anyone had a solution for this (or he solved himself). There is a range slider that I just cooked

visual studio 2005 - Import Qt resources when are main.cpp and GUI classes in dependend static lib project, -

परिदृश्य: मेरे पास MSVC2005 है जिसमें Qt Visual Studio AddIn स्थापित है । मेरे समाधान में एक प्रोजेक्ट A है जिसमें कई सादे सी ++ कोड मॉड्यूल शामिल हैं, जो कि निष्पादन योग्य A.exe के लिए बनाया गया है। परियोजना ए में .cpp फ़ाइल को मुख्य () के साथ नहीं है, लेकिन एक प्रोजेक्ट बी । बी एक स्थिर प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में निर्मित एक क्यूटी प्रोजेक्ट है इसमें कई जीयूआई कक्षाओं पर एक क्यूटी-ठेठ मुख्य सीपीपी () है। लिंकिंग A और बी को एक आकर्षण की तरह काम करता है और मेरे पास एक क्यूटी-एप्लिकेशन है मैंने A ( Afork1 , Afork2 , आदि के कुछ कांटे बनाया है) कि सभी GUI को एक ही इंटरफ़ेस साझा करते हैं लेकिन इनमें से अलग अनुकूलन अंतर्निहित व्यापारिक तर्क मैं बैच का निर्माण A.exe , Afork1.exe , ..., आदि कर सकता हूं और उनके पास एक ही GUI होगा, जो बहुत साफ है। समस्या: में बी एकाधिक छवियों, आइकन, आदि के साथ एक .qrc फ़ाइल है जीयूआई में उपयोग किया जाता है जीयूआई कक्षाएं क्यूटी डिज़ाइनर के साथ तैयार की जाती हैं और मैंने जीएसआई विगेट्स में रीसॉसिस्ट्स जोड़ा है। निर्माण और चलान...

mysql - How to code in OO PHP? -

How can I do this in PHP? A form ('Php in new topics') asks the user to enter his name, course and year. After selecting the 'submit' button, the page will go to 'records.php' records.php - a table containing all records (column: name, course, year) When the user selects 'Deposit', the new record will be added to the database containing the table named STUDENTS sql code table students Build (NAME VARCHAR (25) Faucet, Course Worker (25) No, Zero, Not Yearly, Contract Student's Primary Key (NAME)); * Please do not pay attention to the primary key coz, I know that it is not right to use the name as the primary key. It's just for XML purposes. Even more ... How can I change data in DB using O.O. PHP? Read a book Google Search

oop - C# class organization and lists -

I am working on the C # application which includes the objects department, course and section. Each department has several courses, And each course has many sections. Currently I have three classes: Department, Courses and Sections. There are some qualities in the department and then a list course, which includes courses provided in the curriculum. The curriculum has some properties and then there are a list section, in which the courses are included in the class. Is this a good way to organize the code or am I doing it in a different way? Second, when I instruct a department in my application, then I set some properties and then want to start adding curriculum to the list courses defined in the department class, however, I can not do From the curriculum Application (course) from the application. What can I do within the department class so that I can break the object without any injunction principle in that list? I have an example in this list: class department {// ...... l...

memory - Growing in the "Virtual bytes" performance counter -

I am suffering from the exception of "out of memory" in my Windows service after running it for a few hours under my worm. Private bytes Virtual Bytes Regularly the first 2 counter And going down ... I can not see anything wrong in them. But the third time is gradually increasing, the counter is rising up and down, but in the end it is growing time. what is the meaning of this? My win service is .NET which is calling some functions from C + + DLL and using a third party that has some unmanaged code. Does this indicate the memory leak in the managed code / unmanaged code? Or just do not help it? Thanks Take a look at this and monitor your usage If it crashes only under the hodge load, there will be no such error due to the lack of a new design to handle the load.

wcf - DataContract Serialization - Base class property names not working -

मेरे पास निम्न की तरह एक बेस क्लास है: [serializable] सार्वजनिक वर्ग SerializableDomainObject & lt; टी & gt; {सार्वजनिक सिरिअलाइज़ेबलडोमेन ऑब्जेक्ट () {ID = Guid.NewGuid (); } [डेटामेम्बर (नाम = "आईडी", ऑर्डर = 0)] सार्वजनिक गुड आईडी {प्राप्त करें; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक शून्य सेव () {// serialize} सार्वजनिक शून्य लोड () {// deserialize}} मेरे पास इसके बहुत से व्युत्पन्न वर्ग हैं, यहां एक का एक उदाहरण है: [डेटाकॉन्ट्रक्ट (नाम = "मायडोमेन ऑब्जेक्ट")] सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyDomainObject: SerializableDomainObject & lt; MyDomainObject & gt; {सार्वजनिक MyDomainObject () {} सार्वजनिक MyDomainObject (स्ट्रिंग का नाम) {name = name; } [डेटामेम्बर (ऑर्डर = 1)] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; निजी सेट; }} यहां एक बार क्रमबद्ध किया गया आउटपुट है: & lt; MyDomainObject xmlns = " डोमेनऑब्जेक्ट्स "xmlns: i =" "& gt; & LT; _x003C_ID_x003E_k__Back...

compatibility - Magento Bundled Product Restrictions -

We need to represent computer systems on our Magento site. We are going to use bundled products to represent these systems. We want that there are different options available in some computer systems (for example, main board, RAM, CPU, etc.) However, we disagree with our customers You want to prevent the system from configuring (i.e., using the DDR2 RAM in the main phone which only supports DDR). It does not seem possible in stock Magwanto whether there is an extension that allows you to configure compatibility between bundled product options? Before I try to deal with it myself, I want to know. If I correctly consider the question that you are asking, I have a serious doubt that you There will be such an extension in the internet. The reason for this is how the system (in this case, the product details page) knows about the inconsistencies (such as using DDR2 RAM in a main board which only supports DDR). There are some additional mechanisms given in the backend, this type of ...

Trouble debugging Java in Eclipse Galileo - appears to be in infinite loop -

The user is on the JDK6 u 18 with the latest eclipse, and it appears to be such that there is no step through eclipse Could it usually be as a debugger Has anyone seen it before? Other JDK / SDK Li> / ol> First of all, to see how the Eclipse and JVM program responds to Debugger. What does "debugger can not move through" means? It's hanging, it's slow, refreshing the thread list is upset ...? Is your program making thousands of threads fast and destroying?

Internet Explorer removes .exe extension from download when followed by URL parameters -

I am now serving files from Amazon S3, and I generate a secure URL using API. The .exe files downloading in IE works great everywhere except I have tested it on IE 8 and 7. If you are running local webserver, you can test by putting Notepad.x in your web root. (Or equivalent) Now try? This file should be saved as a notepad without any detail. Is this a 'feature' because it is nothing goggle? Thanks for the full number of IE extensions, you can not find anything on the file extension. In addition to this, if the file has many names beside it, sometimes it is added [1] or [] at the end. Any thoughts? Docks on this awesome behavior? It seems that it should be a security feature, but I have not yet got any option to disable it. And as always, thank you. Tim Here's a long story, but simple action is to: As for the previous [1] or whatnot, no, there really is nothing that you can do about if the user is to download it before the URL

C# - Remove ToolTip only supplying in which Control is the ToolTip -

Yes this question has already been asked on SO. The problem is that the solution to that question was hiding the tooltip, and I do not really need to hide it. I am adding tooltips to my control in many forms, whatever I have done. There are two functions, to set the tooltip to display on the mouse toolbar and to show the tooltip the second time. Only one is unavailable to remove any tooltip that is determined or displayed by a specific control. Something like this tooltip.remove (Textbox1); Something is so simple where I need to set control where there is a tooltip. I tried to do some things but did not work. Thanks Edit: I use my code to add tooltips. It was coded incorrectly Setting and displaying tooltips is my code: public class UserInterface {Public Zero SetTooltip (Control Object, String Message, String Title, Tooltip Icon, Boolean Isoblon, Boolean ShowAlways) {Tooltip Tip = New Tooltip (); Tip Use animation = true; Tip Yousefide = true...

c - Unable to use "execve()" successfully -

The purpose of this program is to create a new hair process and execute a process that has command line logic too. If I enter / bin / ls --help , then I get an error: Shadyavi @ Shidababy-Desktop: ~ / lab / 200801076_lab3 $. /a.out Executable (with full path) / bin / ls --help start executable as a new hair process ... binary file executing: / bin / ls / bin / ls: unrecognized Option '--help' try / bin / ls --help 'for more information. / B> P> contains # lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, string.h & gt; // strcpy () #includes & lt; Malloc.h & gt; // Molok () #includes & lt; Unistd.h & gt; // Use of fork () is included & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Use the // exit () function to include & lt; Sys / wait.h & gt; // test speed () int main (int argc, char ** argv) used {char command [256]; Char ** args = NULL; Char * arg; Int count = 0; Char * binary; Pid_t pid; Printf ("Enter the name of executable (with full path)...

.net - Common files in output directories in a C# program -

मेरे VS2008 समाधान में निम्नलिखित सेटअप है। Program1 प्रोग्राम 2 Common.dll (दोनों प्रोग्राम 1 और प्रोग्राम 2 का उपयोग और संदर्भित है) डीबग मोड में मैं अपनी आउटपुट निर्देशिका को प्रोग्राम फाइलों के लिए \ Productname सेट करना चाहता हूं, क्योंकि कुछ कोड को विभिन्न कारणों के लिए एक्सई पथ मिलेगा। मेरी समस्या यह है कि प्रोग्राम 1 संकलित होने पर, त्रुटि प्रदान करेगी कि वह Common.dll की प्रतिलिपि नहीं कर सकता यदि प्रोग्राम 2 शुरू हो गया है। और विस वर्णा यहाँ पर झुंझलाहट यह है कि मैं अक्सर सामान्य.dll में परिवर्तन नहीं करता है, लेकिन 100% समय इसे कॉपी करने की कोशिश करेगा, न केवल जब परिवर्तन होते हैं मुझे सभी कार्यक्रमों को बंद करना है, और उसके बाद का निर्माण करना और फिर उन्हें शुरू करना। तो मेरा प्रश्न यह है, कि मैं केवल सामान्य फाइलें कैसे बना सकता हूँ यदि Common.dll प्रोजेक्ट मैंने निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की और मुझे लगता है कि यह वह व्यवहार दिखाता है जिसे आप ढूंढ रहे हैं: प्रोग्राम फ़ाइलें \ उत्पादनाम (जैसे कि प्रोग्राम 1 और प्रोग्राम 2 प्रोग्राम 1 और प्रोग्राम 2 प्...

c++ - Read() from file descriptor hangs -

Hey, this should be my last PTY-related question and I can move on to more exciting issues. (C; Here is a set of small tasks that I have written to write and write PTI: The only problem is that they do not work! I have to run and write the initiator ("Ls -l"), 'Output' from readFromPty is still empty. Ubuntu, QT C ++ EDITED: OK, I read except the loop All things can be confirmed. The Debugger's Local / Watter's tab shows that the 'Qtr \' output is actually Only after reading the data, but after that (reading ()) exits the characters from the output and then hangs up. What is happening, and how can I fix this? Thanks: (C: #include & lt; iostream & gt; # Include & lt; unistd.h & gt; # Include & lt; utmp.h & gt; #include & lt; pty .h & gt; # Include & lt; Qestring & gt; Include & lt; Quthad & gt; // You also need libutil in your .pro file to compile. Category CMkPty {Public: CMkPty (int * writeChann...

c# - what exactly is strongly typed View data in Asp.Net MVC -

What does "strong data typed data" mean in aspen MVC? Thanks A strongly watched view in ASP.NET MVC System gets Web.Mvc.ViewPage & lt; T & gt; and it has an ideal property that is specified by T. It allows Intelation to work in your thoughts.

Can't set up ISAPI filter for tomcat on IIS -

Windows XP SP3: ISAPI फ़िल्टर isapi_redirect.dll को निम्न तरीके से सेट करने का प्रयास करें: 1. फ़ोल्डर को इंगित करने के लिए फ़ोल्डर जकारो बनाएं फाइल के साथ isapi_redirect.dll इस फ़ोल्डर पर सही अनुमति सेट करें 2. ऊपर फ़ोल्डर इंगित करने के लिए वर्चुअल डायरेक्टो बनाएं 3. लोकलहोस्ट स्तर पर फ़िल्टर सेट करें। जब यह किया जाता है, IIS पुनरारंभ करें और फिल्टर की जांच करें यह लाल तीर के साथ लोड नहीं कहा एक ही फाइलें दूसरे एक्सपी कंप्यूटर पर सेट की गईं और ठीक काम करती हैं इस समस्या को कैसे हल करें? आप यहां दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करना चाह सकते हैं , लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि आपके पास ग़लत प्रॉपर्टी फाइल हो सकती है, शायद, या आपने इंटेल-आधारित डीएलएल डाउनलोड किया हो और इसे एएमडी मशीन पर इस्तेमाल किया हो। यहां का पालन करने के लिए कुछ दिशाएं हैं यदि आप इवेंट लॉग में एक्सपी पर देखते हैं, और यह देखें कि क्या त्रुटि मौजूद हो सकती है। - Any recommendations on a way to find what aspx files use what CSS class -

ASPX files are used to learn how to use which CSS class. At the moment I have a huge CSS file and I would like to break it in a more organized form to maintain it. I was thinking that anything exists which is used in this CSS class File1.aspx, file2.aspx, etc. ... I think I I can write a short script to do, but if there were any free previously written applications, it would be Maybe it will help you: The man has written a small feature that determines the CSS file and your application folders, It's not being used in class.

image processing - Colour of photos in different browsers? -

I have just put some photos online and I have found that the photos in this photo and safari are a different color ie IE and chrome Can anyone have an idea on this issue? Different colors or different because of the translator colors of browsers? Cheers Anthony They interpret color spaces are different because some browsers Has ignored the ICC Color Profiles, which are part of the images themselves Safari and Firefox 3+ However, though Firefox does not need to be configured to enable it. Here is a related link:

methodology - Successful projects using agile methods? -

I have been interested in late tight methods and got prescriptions and minute details for many practices. Still, I remember run-to-the-full spikes after some debugging and minimum testing before my best projects were alive. I'm asking myself, did Flickr use the agile method? Does Facebook Practice TDD? Did Gmail make a 25-minute span with a 5-minute dream? In other words, before I listen to all the publicity and jumped into the manual, I get the evidence that this path can be successful in a successful project in a successful company? Of course, I am asking this because I want to read the answer, not because I want to dismiss the argument. This is a successful project for me: After some went live Deliver new functionality to the CMS and server behind the weekly site - usually with deployment every week or so. All were done with extreme programming topics. Weekly demo to the customer to go with weekly iterations. Here's another tight project (this i...

keyboard shortcuts - How to use short cut keys to insert get set code of data member in visual studio? -

How to use the shortcut key to insert the Data Set of the Data Member in Visual Studio? I think this is some tabs. Type "prop" and press twice TAB and you are someting quiet Will see (at least for me)

How do you let end users customize report columns in SSRS? -

I would like to create a report, where users have the ability to select which columns they want to see from the pre-defined list. There may be other options, such as applying a consolidated work for nearby powerters (on average, yoga ...). How can I complete this with SSRS? (This will be the first report effort with SSRS). Take a look at SSRS Report Builder: - Intranet Domain Testing Issue and IE8 -

I have recently run on some issues that use IE8 to test a web site on my company intranet is. It does not handle cookies very well for some reason. I am using Fiddler to debug and I can see IE 8 on the login page, but when the site is set "Set-cookie: Auth = kjksjdkfsdwoiejs ...", IE 8 sets it Do not believe that what is happening? Does anybody participate in this problem? I posted it soon, and I found a way out of the accident around this issue I had previously A month ago, there was a DNS alias set on the test server. I have tried that domain and cookies now work, by curiosity, I tried to create a new domain alias in my hosting file, which also worked. It appears that IE 8 probably has a "security" feature which blocks the domain with W / underscore. Anyway, hopefully this post will prevent others from walking in hours of disappointment and debugging.

multiplatform - What technology is involved in making Mozilla Firefox? -

Approved programming languages, open source libraries and standards for Firefox work. This is a large, long-running project, so it's too much in the list. Especially when you consider helpful technologies - for example, they are combined with their JavaScript engine, used for static analysis and replacement of source code, to bring older XPOOM stuff to recent standards and dependence on JavaScript calls Was used to update. At a broad level, runtime has mostly C ++ components, which are configured by the XUL interface description language and wrapped with javascript. Some of the JS engine codes from IIRC, ADO are C because instead of some of the low level networking libraries. In recent years, some UI functions have been transferred from C ++ to JS. Then there are build support and debugging codes, which can create Python, Perl, script, and so on.

svn and git versioning models difference -

I would like to know what the difference between approaches suggested by GIT (or other DCCs) and undertaking (or other CVCS) ). This topic has been found about me: The form of a pre-order mananges is the version of trees as the first order object (an array of repository trees) , And changes are things that compare adjacent trees. Systems like Arc or Betacitor are created in another way: they are designed to manage changes in the form of first order objects (a bag of repository patches), and trees are obtained by preparing the sets with patches . But it is not clear how the subdivision store reserves change, even if it is the oldest version of the current file and so on. In the case of git, for example, why can not you create a bunch of patches? It is always mentioned as the main difference between SVN and GIT which makes merge simplified / complex, but unfortunately, I still do not get the idea. There is a good explanation about the main difference between the changes ...

objective c - Aaron Hillegass _Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X_ Chapter 9 Question -

एरोन हिलेलेज 'में कोको प्रोग्रामिंग फॉर मैक ओएस एक्स , अध्याय 9, खंड "शुरू सम्मिलित करने पर संपादन ", वह बताता है कि ठीक उसी तरह कैसे करें जो बात मुझे उलझन में थी, वह यह थी कि उसने अन्य सामानों के गुच्छा किया यहां पूर्ण कोड सूचीबद्ध है: - (IBAction) बनाओ कर्मचारी: (आईडी) प्रेषक {NSWindow * w = [tableView window]; // किसी भी संपादन को समाप्त करने का प्रयास करें जो कि BOOL संपादन की जगह ले रही है = [w बनामप्रिस्ट रेस्पॉन्डर: w]; अगर (! संपादन सम्मिलित) {NSLog (@ "संपादन समाप्त करने में असमर्थ"); वापसी; } NSUndoManager * undo = [स्व पूर्ववत प्रबंधक]; // क्या इस घटना से पहले ही एक संपादन हुआ है? अगर ([groupingLevel को वापस लाएं]) {// अंतिम समूह को बंद करें [एंडो एंडयू ग्रुपिंग] को समाप्त करें; // एक नया समूह खोलें [पूर्ववत करेंउन्डरसमूहिंग]; } // वस्तु वस्तु बनाएं * p = [कर्मचारी नियंत्रक newObject]; // इसे 'कर्मचारी कंट्रोलर' की सामग्री सरणी में जोड़ें [कर्मचारी नियंत्रक addObject: p]; [पी रिलीज]; // पुन: सॉर्ट करें (यदि उपयोगकर्ता ने एक स्तंभ को ...

jsp - Any tool to view web session attributes? -

I use jsp / Servlets for my web layer. Is there a tool to check session attributes in the web session? Of course. It's not really a device, but a simple code snippet. Add somewhere in a servicelet / JSP / filter: session session = request .getSession (); Calculation attribute name = session.get attribute name (); While (Attributomom. Hammer Elements ()) {String name = AttributeName. Newcastle Element (); String value = session.getAttribute (name); System.out.println (name + "=" + value); } and you will have all the attributes of the session printed on the console. Alternatively, in JSP: & lt; For C: each item = "$ {sessionScope}" var = "attr" & gt; $ {Attr.key} = $ {attr.value} & lt; Br> & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; This will print all the attributes of the session on the page. Update: It is known that you have a misunderstanding of session. Session data is on server-side The client only maintains a unique ...

javascript - How to make jquery autocomplete to work for a contenteditable DIV instead of just INPUT, TEXTAREA fields -

The jquery autocomplete provided by the INPUT field or TEXTAREA field can work on. I have a use-case for working as a direct element txtare by setting its character for Contrastibil = "True". Can I use DIG DOM handle for autocompletion so that it can be treated as Texter for autocomplete. The 'as is' plugin is currently not working for the DIV. What should I do for the plugin to work for all the above elements?

objective c - NSTimer interval less than sleep command in fired code -

I have a snippet of code that I want to execute repeatedly, but to stop it and start over With capacity To do this, I have used an NSTimer, which I can stop and start as necessary. Within the snippet, I use a sleep command to wait for some updates (0.3 seconds). The timer is firing in every 0.5 seconds. Stop the stop and start the functionality, and every 0.3 second firing would be ideal, but clearly do not say that I want to shoot it in every x seconds. 0.5 is completely arbitrary, and just> 0.3 is If I set the timer to fire every 0.01 seconds, but keep the sleep order in the code executed in 0.3 seconds, then I want the desired behavior? Or the timer will back up all events with unexpected results (for example, after firing I have stopped it)? In this way, I can sleep a variable 0.3 seconds, and whenever I increase it to more than 0.5, it does not have to change the timer. Or is this a better way of functionality? I see the biggest problem is that the NSTimer is re...

mysql optimization - display 10 most recent records, but also identify duplicate rows -

I'm new to mysql and I'm pulling my hair about this problem for days. I need to improve / adapt this question so that it runs fast - just taking 5 secs Here is the query: SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT (*) Multiple, as a *, B. * On announcements as an INNER Join Store. Username = s.username WHERE s.username is not empty and s.state = 'NC' group by a.announcement_id ORDER by a.dt DESC LIMIT 0,10 Store table contains the following: announce_id, msg, dt, usernames: store_id, username, name, state, city, zip, etc ... announcements There are about 10,000 records in the reserves table and there are about 500,000 records in the manifesto. I am trying to complete in English - displays the 10 most recent store announcements, but what makes it complicated is that the same table in the table of the same user ID (one row per location) Together there may be several entries in the store table. So if a chain store, "Chiptal" sends an announcement, then I wan...

Google App Engine Datastore query problem -

I have the following problem: I want to retrieve all the products in a category category class (emodel): name = db.StringProperty () class channel (emodel): name = db.StringProperty () category = db.ReferenceProperty (category, collection_name = "cat_set") category product (Emodel): name = db.StringProperty () channel = db.ReferenceProperty (channel, collection_name = "ch_set") Now I would like to write a GCL query which omits all refraction For the example category: Product.gql (" WHERE channel.category == Key (: 1) ", category_selected_key) Keep in mind that each channel can often change its range, so I want to avoid something extra for the CPU You can not query 'nested' with GQ Where you filter property of referenced entity such as SQL (using any included). Because in your reference, the product unit only stores the key of the referenced channel unit, which you must first do another query in order to obtain the key of the ...

Create a custom callback in JavaScript -

All I have to do is execute the callback function when my current function is executed. function load data () {warning ('data is loaded'); // Call your callback with parameters, for example, // callback (loaded data, current object); } For this function the consumer should be: object.LoadData (success); How do I apply it? In fact, your code will work a lot, just declare your callback as an argument and you can call it directly using the logic name. . Basics function doSomething (callback) {// ... // Callback callback call ('luggage', 'goes',' here ');} Function foo (a, b, c) {// callback warning (a + "+ + b +" "+ c); } DoSomething (foo); This will call doSomething , which will call foo , which will warn the "stuff goes here". Note that instead of sending the function and its result ( foo () ), the function reference ( foo ) Is very important to pass. In your question, you do it properly, but this i...

How to use Oracle SQLdeveloper with HSQL / Hypersonic DB's JDBC driver -

I want to use Oracle's SQL developer to visualize my HSQLL tables. An instruction can be found about using it with MySQL ... and I know that Oracle points to a location where to download all the JDBC drivers. This worked with MySQL, however, from HSQLDB with JAR file (here: HSQLD- did not display a new tab (as is the case with MySQL). Is there any way to "explain" SQLdeveloper who works with HQLDB and JDBC? FYI, I am also using squirrels, but it is not as easy to work in comparison to SQLdeveloper. I was looking for the same thing, then found it: So basically Oracle does not support it, and you can not add a new tab with your own, even if you have JDBC driver You can try other tools such as ExecuteQuery (executequery dot org)

oop - Where to put methods used by multiple classes? -

What is the question about showing an example: I currently have a PHP project I'm working on I keep in mind a method that will be used for many classes (in this case UI-MVC model), but I'm not sure how to represent such methods in OO design. Do the first thing that came to my mind, a class with those static works Nana was that I had to call and wish them. Although I'm not sure that this is the right thing. To be more precise, I want to work, for example, over time. That's why I will need many methods that handle time. I was thinking about making a time class, where I work, it checks that time is in the right format etc. Some people can say that I should not use the class for this, because I can still use the procedural code in PHP but I am more interested in the answer that I have in OP / OOD How to highlight the attitude of such situations. So the real questions are: how to represent such methods? Is the static function approach good enough or should I reco...

Events in Asp.Net MVC -

Is there a similar attribute for ASP.Net events in controller functions? And how to handle postback in ASP.Net MVC because there is no vivestate in MVC and what is optional for it in the postback framework? No it is not equal to uber public method about this (http get Think accessible as / accessible via / post / etc) which gives HTML. There is no such thing as a postback. Neither is the viewerate. Actually - you get input and form output. it's just that. The right way to do this - you do not even need an alternative.

sharepoint - reuse of an existing list -

Is there a way to reuse the existing list in a siblings site on SharePoint? I have an image list on a sub site and I want to be able to reach the parts (images) of that list which is the effective site of the sub-site. To keep it just, I want to be able to see a list without duplicating it and without the contents of the list. Can you explain that you mean "access parts of that list" (images)? Do you want to: Access the list item from sub-sub-everything and use it in some way? Make a list of some places in the web hierarchy, which has the exact or similar structure in the already existing list? Create a list anywhere in the web hierarchy that has an exact or similar structure already in the existing list and contains only one list item in it? Is there a list that contains some items from another list? The solution to display this list But if we are not talking about programming here, then for a simple solution, use it P> - How to use the Google Visualization API in VB? -

We are working on a project where we have to implement the Google Visualization API in VB. is. We can find loads of Java. Please tell us. Thank you. You can try that you can also consider it. Everything is just a URL, so it is easy to use in any language. You may also be interested.

flex - Add Context menu in Datagrid -

हम डेटाग्रिड कॉलम हेडर में संदर्भ मेनू कैसे जोड़ते हैं धन्यवाद संदर्भ मेनू राइट क्लिक की आवश्यकता होती है, और वे कब्जा MouseEvent.CLICK घटना से पहले आप कर सकते हैं (घटना के साथ यह परीक्षण नहीं किया प्राथमिकता हालांकि, इसलिए कोशिश है कि)। तो क्या आप डेटा ग्रिड (या का एक हिस्सा करने के लिए एक हैंडलर जोड़ने की जरूरत हैडर की तरह datagrid) या आप एक वैश्विक एक जोड़ सकते हैं (यह मैं करता हूं)। फिर जांचें कि वर्तमान लक्ष्य माउस के नीचे क्या है। आप शायद अभ्यस्त ठीक वही आइटम (DisplayObject / UIComponent, आदि) तुम सिर्फ event.relatedObject संपत्ति की जाँच के लिए देख रहे हैं हो जाते हैं और इस तरह है, तो आपका सर्वश्रेष्ठ दांव stage.getObjectsUnderPoint (नई प्वाइंट (stage.mouseX उपयोग करने के लिए है, stage.mouseY) । तो फिर एक बार आप वस्तु मिल (या आप पाते हैं, तो आप गतिशील संदर्भ मेनू सेट कर सकते हैं) "इस वस्तु एक मैं चाहता हूँ कि"। इस तरह: संरक्षित समारोह updateTarget (घटना: ContextMenuEvent): शून्य {var लक्ष्य: सरणी = stage.getObjectsUnderPoint (नई प्वाइंट (stage....

Clipboard Copy-Paste doesn't work in a service on Win Server 2008/Vista 64bit -

Update: This problem has been solved. You can read about the solution here: Hi, I used to send images from Word documents I'm trying to use the clipboard API (in Delphi) to remove. My code works fine in Windows XP / 2003, but this does not work in Windows 2008 64bit. In the win 2008, I get an error saying that the clipboard format is empty and there is no format in it. The image is being copied to the clipboard (I can see it in the clipboard via Word) but when I try to ask the clipboard what format it is in, then it has said that There is no format in it. How can I use the clipboard program when I win 2008 / Vista? What I know about 64 bit since 2008, this can be a security problem ... Here is the code snippet: In this way I can copy this image I'm trying to clipboard: W.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item (1). Choose; // W. A word object linking and embedding object is Wselection.Copy; And so on, I try to paste it. clipboard. open; Write2DebugFile (...

c# - Does anyone know of a way to easily convert a PDF to a docx format programmatically -

Our second party system that gives us PDFs We can replace those PDFs for display on the web without using Adobe products Want to Ideally we want to use Silverlight to render PDFs, but there is a problem in converting PDFs from PDFs or using DOCX format as an intermediate person. There are so many libraries that give PDFs but we do not need this. If there is a library that does it, then an NAAT would be better, but we can run the conversion using the command, and if it is an option. Net converter sells libraries.

actionscript - how does the FlashBuilder debugger know the order in which items were added to an associative array with string keys? -

I have an array of objects that are used as keys using a delimited string when checked in FB4 debugger , Then the keys look like this: [+] 22477◦25220◦20.1 [+] 22477◦25220◦20.6 [+] 22477◦25220◦20.8 [+] 22477◦25244 ◦ 55.1K ( J) The first two items are numeric (inserted for string), but in the multi-part delimited key, the third object is naturally a string - it is an alphanumeric Like that library shell context. When expected, when you click the [+] icon in the debugger, you can see the object related to that string key. So far so good. Debugger (pre-sorted) shows the key in the order in which they were added to the array. However, the object array is being replayed: (var: String in MyAssociativeArray) {/ Key is not seen in the order displayed by the debugger} The key returned in another order - the international hammer? My question is, how did the debugger know the order in which the keys were included, and can I access this knowledge at the time of the order when the arr...

inheritance - Which would be the best design pattern in Java for this problem? -

I have a class CommonTableModel which has several example methods and works on every two example variables Data Data Now, I have six tables, each is different in the name of the column, all the normal The methods should be with the CommonTableModel class. Therefore, to give an example of CommonTableModel for a JTable example, I must first start both the frequency variable (column name and data). Q1. Do I want to make six tablesmodel, be consistent with each table, and then spread them to normaltablesmodel? Public class FirstTemplatesModel generallyModel {Public FirstTableModel () {columnNames = {"id", "name"}; Data = {{1, "John"}}; }} In the above example, I tried to introduce inherited data members so that six tablemodels could populate each column names according to the table they show. But I got an error which is prohibiting me from initiating the members who are coming in this way. I think we can not initialize the example variab...