compatibility - Magento Bundled Product Restrictions -

We need to represent computer systems on our Magento site. We are going to use bundled products to represent these systems. We want that there are different options available in some computer systems (for example, main board, RAM, CPU, etc.) However, we disagree with our customers You want to prevent the system from configuring (i.e., using the DDR2 RAM in the main phone which only supports DDR). It does not seem possible in stock Magwanto whether there is an extension that allows you to configure compatibility between bundled product options? Before I try to deal with it myself, I want to know.

If I correctly consider the question that you are asking, I have a serious doubt that you There will be such an extension in the internet. The reason for this is how the system (in this case, the product details page) knows about the inconsistencies (such as using DDR2 RAM in a main board which only supports DDR). There are some additional mechanisms given in the backend, this type of system intelligence can be executed, by asking which features / products will be incompatible, with which all products

I think that instead of doing this, it would be best if the administrator provided the right choice within the relevant boundaries for each such bundle product from the admin section, without the need to purchase / search for an extension.

Hope it helps.


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