Any way to easily show a very large image in a Java Applet (using lesser parts)? -
I need functionality to show large images on Java Applet, without increasing the default heat space. I'm getting the "out of memory" exception when the big image is image. While reading while using Reed () using a bugfind image (which was expected to happen).
To solve this problem, the first thing is to divide the large image into smaller parts.
My question is:
Does anyone have some suggestions in the direction of implementing this strategy (which includes showing the right part while scrolling the image)? Is there anything to support Java? Any examples?
You should work with parts. The simplest way is the server provider is a small tile, which you can request as needed.
If you do not leave yourself in the applet, load the image - split it into tiles and automatically autocode each tile into a byte stream, such as JPEng. Attach the rendered tile as a soft reference so that it may possibly be garbage collected late. If the rendered tile has been gcade, then decode the jpg bistream.
Even if you have a lot, consider serial tiles for local storage.
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