api - Authorize.net Integration -

I am trying to integrate Authorize.net into my site. I have set up and activated a test account in my test.authorize.net domain and have received my API key / login in my account in my configuration. I run my script through my API and I get a fair success message that they have received notification. However, every time I log into the test.authorize.net domain and search for the transaction through their Search tab, I still do not provide anything regardless of the criteria. Unstable transaction

This is where they will be.

FII, Authorized.net Developer accounts are not actually processing transactions. They only validate that the data you sent through your API was valid and complete. If it is, then you will receive an approved response with a fake transaction number, acceptance and AVS response code (which is always a match). If you have created an invalid API call, you will be returned an error message to warn you of the error so that you can fix it.

If you do not want to, call Authorize.Net for support or around you, you can also get help from them
