component-based php framework? -
Can someone give an example of the meaning of this word?
I have read that Prado is a component-based framework and I wonder if there are also kppp and codi gigers
A component based structure basically means that you can choose elemnts of the system and choose to redo those individual elements. The Zend Framework is a good example.
Generally there is a very couple structure similar to opposite Cape PHP or ROR. In these cases it is very difficult for the router or controller such as divorce and personal component and use it outside the framework of that structure.
In general, you want to reduce tight coupling so that you can make more profit from reuse and the most flexibility in terms of replacing or replacing components is that I often think about the component structure The thing that I do not like in this is that as individual components are often well-groomed and there is a default way of working with each other, sometimes a time of development Automation of using RAN is not united. Take the Zend Framework, for example, with 1.10, we can see a decent commandline tool by the end of 1.10, which automatically looks at the setup and initialization of modules / controllers / views etc. A defined bootstrapping process / conference began at 1.8. I think it is ... This is one of the most important parts for me. I am very proud of the most important parts of ROR, DJ, Cake, Symphony, Codeigner and others.
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