c# - What form should i use making a website -
I'm missing out on something and need some help. In the past, I used php and mysql to make websites databases Have done Now I want to use my C # skills to build a site. This new site will be linked to the database and there will be a lot of data.
Would I like to use Visual Studio to create an ASP.NET site? What is this WPF Browser application object, does it work in all browsers? Is there something else I can experiment with C #?
. To begin with the new, web application
Up Your Most codes will be made for you and you can easily change the inconsistent person or modify it accordingly.
If you want more
WPF is not the next-generation Windows / desktop based application programming Web-based it provides a template for browser-based applications, but is probably limited to Internet Explorer, but not all browsers. I'm not sure about WPF, anyone can add to it as you intend to work on a web application, it will not be a good idea to start with
of course IDE Visual Studio 2008+ is from above, because it provides access to all your units / components. For applications you can download an app with View and Designer here.
Hope this will help
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