animation - Tough CSS problem - getting values from other properties? -
I need to get the value of other properties in CSS. Say I am in a CSS file:
. Some {width: 256px; }
Then in some 2 I want to use the value:
.something2 {width:. Something.width; }
How can I get this without javascript? I need this because I am using CSS 3 animation:
@ - WebKit-keyframe nothing {0% {background-position: -48px 0px; } 100% {background-position: .someething.width 0px; }}
And the x-value of the animation-end background should be the width of "something". Is it possible to do this in CSS (3)? Even if it supports a draft question or just a browser, I still want to hear about it.
Thanks in advance.
It is not possible with CSS. But you can get along or with this.
Quote from Saas:
SAS CSS, plus nested rules, variables , mixes, and more, in a concise, readable syntax.
Actually this is another language similar to CSS. These files are then compiled to css files. So you have an extra step to create CSS files, but the language you create it is more powerful.
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