xml - Multi table programmatic merge to ODF document file -
I drafted a custom XML with Microsoft Word 2007, which was using the DOCX format, And include them in a Word DocX I then opened the file, searched / replaced the entire document, closed it and opened it, completely merged, with the patent suite loss in the word, creating new user documents of our softwareWill not be able to because the custom XML schema has been discontinued.
I am thinking of doing the same in the same and / or open office, but I have been saved from finding some online close examples, so far I need to know how I "tag "I can leave in a document that I can find / change from within the Open Office Writer or can access the schema. Note that a reference to regular mail merge, which considers a flat merge file, will not work in my case because I have multiple tables / multiple connections, etc.
Any link or idea will be
Come up with possible solutions.
1) Use the dataset / field merge. It involves involving many data sources, for each table, then using behind the scenes and to detect / replace XSLT or more brute force method.
2) Use XSLT directly with styles in the document. I would love to tell you that I have come with myself, but this is an article on the IBM website. Yes, you have to register, but this is an interesting read. 3) Drop tokens in documents and use tokens to find / replace This is the method I have chosen to use.
I have to open the document using an unzip utility in my program, remove the content.xml file, modify the content.xml based on the token, close it, open it back in the open office list and launch Does.
The reason of choice is that my users need to have the ability to enter any field from any table, but they are not going to be generally, comfortable and / or complex with data tables By allowing style sheets to drop anywhere in ~~tablename.fieldname ~, I give them maximum flexibility with a minimum overhead. In addition, I can write a utility to help write a document so that they can drag and drop into the document ... at least this is the current plan.
For more savvy users, I implement some extra capabilities in the form of ~~ tablelines and start ~ ~~ Tablenem End and Android ~ where the text between beginning and ending token only then print If there are records in that tabline.
Still in the process, but Doug wanted to share my thinking
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