Flex in full screen mode? -

I'm new to Flex I have developed a sample page with the following code:

Code> & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Mx: height of application = "100%" xmlns: mx = "http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout = "full" backgroundgreatcollectors = "[# 5b4ffb, # 5594fb]" themecolor = "# 808080 "Corner radius =" 3 "width =" 100% "& gt; & Lt; Mx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [import mx.controls.Alert; Import mx.events.CloseEvent; Private Function ClickHandler (Event: Event): Zero {if (UserID.text == "") {Alert.show ("Please enter your username", "message"); Return; } If (Pwd.text == "") {Alert.show ("Please enter your password", "message"); Return; } Alerts. Shoe ("login success", "message"); Return; } Private function fReset (Event: Event): Zero {UserID.text = ""; Pwd.text = ""; }] & Gt; & Lt; / Mx: script & gt; & Lt; Mx: image x = "246.5" y = "10" width = "781" height = "155" scale = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; Mx: source & gt; File: /// C | / Documents and Settings / Users / Desktop / Top.gif & lt; / Mx: source & gt; & Lt; / Mx: image & gt; & Lt; Mx: label x = "531" y = "262" text = "username" color = "#fffff" font size = "12" width = "84" /> & Lt; Mx: label x = "531" y = "288" text = "pass word" color = "#fffff" font size = "12" width = "84" height = "27" /> & Lt; Mx: label x = "531" y = "200" text = "login information" width = "297" color = "#FFFFF" fontFamily = "wardana" font high = "bold" fontSize = "20" /> & Lt; Mx: button x = "590" y = "323" label = "323" label = "login" Radius = "7" click = "clickhandler (event);" /> & Lt; Mx: text input x = "623" y = "262" width = "160" height = "20" id = "user-id" /> & Lt; Mx: text input x = "623" y = "293" width = "160" height = "20" id = "pwd" /> & Lt; Mx: button x = "688" y = "323" label = "reset" corner Radius = "7" click = "FRSet (event);" /> & Lt; / Mx: Applications & gt;

When I run the SVF file, it runs in a small window, but when the user clicks on SWF, I want to open it in full screen mode, like ctrl + f .

How do I do this?

Fully Tutorials:

< / Html>


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