python - How can I load test data into AppEngine automatically? -

When I run a local copy by the developers of my team, then I automatically load some test data in apenje datastore Want to I know that it lets you do it from the command line, but I'm looking for some automated, essentially we forget to load the data when we clean our test copy of datastore.

Currently, I'm just checking a known unit when the main page loads, and the unit is not found when the function is inserted to insert data, it seems useless - every time If anyone hits this particular page then he is called every time.

The ideal solution will be something that will not affect the deployed version of the app on and will not mess around the code in the central code path.

Why not only automate the bulk loader? This is a command line tool, as you tell, so to run with your build process (or whatever other triggers you want) to run insignificant


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