flash - Mod_rewriting a query string onto a swf file -

I am trying to use the mod_rewrite to clean the url in a flash video player. First of all, here's the original URL that I'm trying to rewrite:

  library / player.swf? The path above = path-to-file.flv  

The URL above works perfectly when I use it directly. I have coded the SWF to automatically capture the path parameter and play the video. There is no problem now my attempt is to rewrite the rule:

  regrets rule ^ player /(.+)97 library / player.swf? Path = $ 1 [QSA, L]  

By visiting the URL player / path-to-file .flv, I get the SDF but no video is loaded I have a popup window in the flash Set which allows me to find the name of the path for debugging purposes, and it seems that the path is not being passed at all.

On the other hand if I use the same rule, but it points to test.php instead of the player swf, then the test.php file is capable of unifying the parameter.

So the question comes down, am I doing something wrong or is it impossible to send query string to a SVF via mod_rewrite?

It is impossible to use the mechanism that you are trying to do. Remember that .swf is processed on the client side, so all servers are sending the file to the client. Query-string is irrelevant to this, and the server will essentially ignore it.

It is possible to read query string parameters in an .swf file, but not directly with the service file. Because of how these things work to reach the parameters, it works again, the SOFF should be embedded in a dome and then it will be able to reach the DOOM and get the query string through the DOM interface. Served as part of an html page.

If this is any help, then there is a way that I have often seen to get the parameters in an .swf file, so that the dynamically create tags and set query string parameters, databases In this fashion related to variables, etc., the full page of parameters are served, and the parameters are passed in the SSFF app when it is being run by the flash runtime.


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