Save sequence images to iphone -
I'm making a screen shot with the IIMA camera Using the UIGetScreenImage () method, I want to make this picture the sequence of the video I am limited to memory, I think writing the image data to documents is probably a good option for me, so when using the image to capture UIGetSreenImage (), start a new thread to write the image data to the document, But this will delay the threshold Micro image is used to capture.
I do not know whether this issue, will you give me some advice? Any answer would be appreciated. First of all, I would like to stay away from UIGetScreenImage () if you have at least one app store in the App Store. Are planning to release their app. UIGetScreenImage () is not a public API, and it is one of the most likely "prohibited" APIs that will refuse your app to use the apple.
If you want a screen shot (i.e., the user who sees the user on the screen of the device), I think the way you have put it works well, but you have a graphic of UIView Representation will include all your other views.
All UIView codes should be on the main thread, though. You can I / O your file on the background thread, but should be the main thread in getting the image.
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